JCNP has NO standing Contract with Ministry of Youths Sports and Culture since 2011! WHY?

Junkanoo Corporation of New Providence Dion Miller

NASSAU| If you want to see what CORRUPTION looks like in the Bahamas, don’t look at the police.  Instead, deeply examine this thing we describe as the greatest cultural expression called Junkanoo.

For months now serious and dangerous interference by the JUNKANOO CORPORATION of New Providence (JCNP) to block, stall and stop the will of the Valley Bays (Way Forward) group has gone on with no end in sight.

They denied the group the rights to rush in the upcoming parade initially and, this past Saturday, refused the group the opportunity to select a number for the lineup for the upcoming Boxing Day Parade.

And who is the JCNP protecting? Brian Adderley’s Group? And, if so, why?

Adderley Group did not possess the proper registrations by governnent to be permitted entry for the parades up to last year.  They attempted to register only after members of the Way Forward Valley Boys Group had already properly registered with the agencies of Government the name “Valley Boys”.

To deny the Way Forward the opportunity to select a number proves all the more that Corruption by the management group (JCNP) is being practiced in the full glare of the public eye.

And why is it so necessary to protect Brian Adderley’s group who failed to properly register with the relevant agencies? This is serious!

This level of Corruption now opens a pandora’s box inside the JCNP. It demands a serious probe into how this organization accounts for funds provided by public and private donors.

The actions of the JCNP also shine a light on how the body has spent funds under its remit.

We at Bahamas Press understand that the JCNP had no standing contract with the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture. Is the current Minister Mario Bowleg aware of this fact? The last contract agreed in 2011 has since expired! So how is this body even functioning, much less handling Public and Private funds? And why is it so vested in the Brian Adderley group which has been left abandoned by the WAY FORWARD MEMBERS?

To this end, we invite the Auditor General of the Bahamas and every relevant investigative arm of Government to take a deeper look into this!

On another note, Bahamas Press questions those deep inside the courts who have failed to deliver a conclusion to this matter involving the Valley Boys. Why hasn’t a judge in the Bahamas come to a decision on this matter months before now?! Why? Why? Why?

If yinner want talk about Corruption in the Bahamas, just take a deeper look into this expression we call Junkanoo and examine what we see deep inside the JCNP!


We report yinner decide!