Could the Tardy Garbage Collection be the Source of the Dengue Fever Outbreak?


NASSAU, BAHAMASBahamas Press has been doing some serious investigation on the outbreak of the Dengue Fever plaguing the Country at this time. We have consulted with Scientists from several leading Universities and research facilities throughout the World.

One such expert asked us the following questions, how is the garbage collected? what type of containers are used generally in the Country? If plastic bags are used, how often are they picked up?.

We were amazed at the questions  which may explain the current situation in this Country. Garbage collection has been sporadic at best with some areas not being picked up for more than four weeks. In fact, we here at BP had to take our own garbage to the dump after we did not see a garbage truck in our area for 22 days.

We call on the relevant authorities to deal with this vexing problem as the garbage bags act as incubators for the mosquitoes that carry the Dengue. Please, we implore you to have the garbage picked up on time and have all these derelict vehicles picked up and properly disposed of in a timely manner.

We call for an investigation to be carried out forthwith to ensure that this situation of the tardy garbage collection is not the root cause of the outbreak. We will stay on top of this matter and have considered bringing our own expert to confirm or dispel this notion.

Dengue Fever cases in the Turks and Caicos Islands

By Government Press Office, Turks and Caicos Islands
Aug 9, 2011 – 8:19:01 AM

T urks and Caicos Islands – Since the alert on Dengue Fever in the Bahamas, issued by the Ministry of Health and Human Services (MOHHS) on the 26th July, 2011, there have been two (2) confirmed cases of Dengue and one clinically suspected case of Dengue Fever here in the TCI.

The cases are believed to have been imported as all the infected persons travelled recently (within the past week) to Dengue endemic locations.

The infected persons are adult females and the key symptoms presented were fever and pain behind the eyes (retro-orbital pain). Two were treated and released with the  advice of  protecting themselves from mosquito bites, as best they could, by  remaining indoors.

The other case remains hospitalized and her symptoms are being managed with IV fluid hydration and monitoring of the relevant health indices. She has been responding well to the treatment.

The Ministry of Health and its health care facilities have, in the meantime, instituted the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Dengue guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control as well as the regional Caribbean Epidemiological Centre (CAREC) Surveillance protocols and guidelines.


  1. Maybe Dr. Minus is trying is best, but he is trying to tread a needle in the dark.
    I predict over 50,000 persons had the DANGUE symptoms in the last month.

    Maybe “Mr. Dig up” who is opening and exposing our waterlines brings on this epidemic.
    Are livelihood is being threatened when our water lines are being exposed to rain floods, underground contamination, as well a possible sewage being seeped in to the waterlines. By the way I saw a group of men one evening looking very suspicious dealing with our pipes (not Water and Sewage workers but seemingly GOONS).
    With this Dengue Fever thing, I concur with Jeno D’s song…something just ain’t right…that ain’t no mosquito bite.

    Minister of Health….Minister of Environment…Silence gives consent.

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