Covid cases at Education Registry Scholarship Division on Shirley Street…NOT A WORD FROM EDUCATION!

Director of Education Marcellus Taylor.

Dear BP,

I work for the Ministry of Education where I’m posted at the scholarships Division on Shirley Street. 

A registry personnel has tested positive for Covid19 and the patient was in direct contact with more than 20 staffers there. 

Our office is now closed to the public and this is our busy season whereas we are getting ready to process the files for new recipients.  

We have to be quarantined for 14 days and then get tested. It is said that another officer who came in contact with this person has already tested positive for the virus. Well what is this?

And the Competent Authority wants us to return to work without being tested? Are they really about saving lives? Or are they attempting to kill us all off?

BP please bring urgent attention to this development as they want to hide and cover up everything.

Thanks for keeping the nation updated with your bold reporting! Your work is most appreciated!


Education Staff!