Crew of Visiting Naval Warship USS KLARKING Participate in BASH Cleanup and Donation of Basketball Equipment



Lt. Shona West, Embassy Military Officer; representatives from the USS KLARKING including Command Master Chief Richard Dean; Mrs. Deanne Huyler, principal and Cyril Hanna, physical education teacher, Woodcock Primary; LCDR Delong Bonner, Navy Liaison Officer and LT. Armand Randolph, U.S. Embassy flanked by students at Woodcock Primary School.

U.S. Navy Warship USS KLAKRING, made a port visit to Nassau November 16-19.  While in Nassau the crew of the USS KLARKING participated in two community projects.  On Friday, November 16, Commanding Officer Ian Pollitt and Command Master Chief Richard Dean accompanied U.S. Embassy representatives Lieutenant Commander Delong Bonner, First Lieutenant Armand Randolph and Sergeant First Class  Shona West to the Embassy’s adopted neighborhood school, Woodcock Primary.  At the school, faculty, staff and students welcomed the donation of a portable basketball hoop with backboard and basketballs donated by the crew of the USS KLARKING.  The school’s Principal, Mrs. Deanne Huyler and physical education teacher Cyril Hanna thanked the visiting crew for the kind donation, noting that with limited space at the school, the students are not afforded the opportunity to enjoy many physical and social interaction activities.  The basketball equipment will be a great addition to the Physical Education curriculum.

On Saturday, November 17, 40 volunteer crew members from the USS KLARKING removed debris and made light repairs to the Bahamas Association for Social Health (BASH) facilities.  BASH is a substance abuse residential treatment facility that has been operational for the past 17 years.  It operates Earth Village, an eco-friendly preserve on 150 acres that offers nature walks and horse back riding trails for both tourists and local residents.  BASH facilities received some damage during the passage of Tropical Storm Noel.  U.S. Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Dr. Brent Hardt, Commanding Officer Pollitt, Command Master Chief Richard Dean and Embassy Navy officials were given a brief tour of the facility by BASH Director Terry Miller.  Following the tour, Dr. Hardt thanked the volunteers for assisting with the cleanup and commended Mr. Miller for his ongoing efforts to assist with providing a rehabilitation center for persons in the community.

Named after Rear Admiral Thomas Klakring, a daring World War II submarine commander, the USS KLAKRING is a 453 foot ship commissioned on August 20, 1983.  The ship’s homeport is Mayport, Florida and the Commanding Officer Pollitt assumed command of the USS KLAKRING in August 2007.
U.S. Chargè d’Affaires, Dr. Brent Hardt; Commanding Officer Ian Pollitt and Command Officer Richard Dean of the USS KLARKING and BASH Director, Terry Miller flanked by volunteers of the USS KLARKING at the BASH facility.