Criminal Activity of Lyford Cay Resident, EXPOSED!!


Behind the gates of Lyford Cay there are some serious SERIOUS THINGS HAPPENING!

Nassau, Bahamas – In August 2010, Bahamas Press put the spot-light on a man we call ‘Smoked Bacon and Eggs’ [B&E] for the nature of this article, a billionaire resident of the plush community of Lyford Cay who has had a lot of controversy swirling around him from the moment he landed on our peaceful shore.

Because of our probing, Members of the FNM Government began taking evasive actions to ensure that they were not tainted by this man, the legitimacy of whose billions had been put in serious doubt with the criminal investigation of his Hedge Fund Firm that has been fined in excess of $50m by USA and British financial authorities for insider trading.

As a result of public pressure by environmental conservationists led by Former MP Keod Smith, a new Pandora Box was opened showing that the FNM Administration was attracting questionable expatriates like B&E who were dedicated to breaking the law and thereafter corruptly get Cabinet Ministers to circumvent and manipulate the system to cover it up.  Stewing in the midst of it is the Lyford Cay Property Owners Association and its countless wealthy members who same to have directly or tacitly endorsed what B&E has been doing.

On the 13th December, 2010, Leader of Government Business in the Bahamas Senate, Hon. Dion Foulkes made it clear that the resident did not have the requisite statutory approval to construct a multimillion dollar boat basin on his property in Lyford Cay, which he owns through his Panamanian company by the same name.

Dion Foulkes

As a consequence, this meant that B&E had committed a criminal offence, which is punishable by as much as 3 months imprisonment at HM Prisons, Fox Hill, The Bahamas and a $10,000.00 fine as well as be made to restore the estimated 20,000 cubic meters of fill illegally excavated.  After being released from prison, he is likely to be deported from The Bahamas and put on a stop list; never being able to re-enter.

Based on what Senator Foulkes said on the floor of the Senate, true to form, B&E somehow got him and Minister Dr. Earl Deveaux through the Director of Physical Planning to issue a permit “after the fact” so as to legalize the criminal act. According to what Bahamian Attorneys have told BP, we conclude that this is just like being in quick sand, the more you wiggle, the deeper you sink.

As it is confirmed that B&E has committed a criminal offense, he is subject to being criminally charged which can be done immediately, even in absentia.  The issue of a permit after the fact does not cleanse the Lyford Cay resident of the criminal offence without the Attorney General of The Bahamas first deciding that he will not criminally prosecute the resident. Although the current Attorney General, Senator John Delaney QC is believed to be a resident of Lyford Cay and a member of Lyford Cay Home Owners Association, he is not the kind of politician that would allow himself to be pulled into this criminal quagmire that some of his colleagues now find themselves in with the resident.

Earl Deveaux, Minister for the Environment.

It is no wonder that B&E has reportedly now put his House up for sale for some $35 million. But we have learnt that because his house is the subject of the alleged criminal offense, it is automatically subject to a lien or other kinds of sanction, which could lead to the house being forfeited to the Crown. This would surely encumber title and discourage others from wanting to buy it.

Matters were made worst when, in response to Senator Foulkes, Opposition Leader in the Senate, Senator Allyson Maynard-Gibson, tabled email messages from the previous PLP Ministers stating that they did not approve the granting of a permit for the construction conducted by the resident.

This means that it is possible that the Lyford Cay Property Owners Association might be seen as having conspired with the process in this criminal design.  From the email tabled in the Senate, it can be successfully argued that as Mr. Pericles Maillis, Attorney for both the LCPOA and the resident, had knowledge of the fact that the owner of the home did not have statutory approval, it can be argued that that knowledge is imputed to the LCPOA as well.

That being as it may, BP cannot be convinced that the LCPOA did not know of the resident’s illegal activity.  Afterall, the security force of the LCPOA, is manned by countless former police officers who know how to conduct surveillance and aware of the law in this regard.  As such, BP believes that the LCPOA would have overtly or, at a minimum, tacitly participated in covering up the criminal activity behind the gate of Lyford Cay.  This is especially the case when considering, as we have learnt, that it is a policy of the LCPOA to object to any of its members being able to construct boat basins on their property.

Attorney General John Delaney. (Photo/Torrell Glinton)

These discoveries about the said resident is added to the mysterious death of the manager at a property, who is believed to have been subject to police investigation for suspicious activity by high speed boat in the middle of night; with very suspicious characters reportedly loading and off-loading unknown items. Could the LCPOA have known of this behaviour?

What is interesting about this unfortunate death and even more mysterious than the death itself, is the fact that the deceased remains were mysteriously cremated and removed from the Bahamas at break-speed pace (within 3 days of discovery of death) without proper investigation as to his death.  The staff first reported that the man drowned in his pool when the death certificate reportedly states that he died from a heart attack in the hot-tub? WHAT MYSTERY! The person discovering the body seems to have also disappeared from the Bahamas.

Alas, BP is of the view that as long as the FNM Administration is in charge, there will never be a coroner’s inquest into this death although it is a requirement under the laws of the Bahamas.  Could that result have something to do with the fact that the power behind the GATE seem to have significant power and negative influence over members of the Cabinet???

Given the questionable business practices of some in other jurisdictions, BP is not surprised at what has now been uncovered about the Lyford Cay resident and his activities in The Bahamas. However, BP is disappointed that PM Ingraham has not demonstrated that he truly does will not stand for corrupt practices of his Ministers. It clearly appears that he has reneged on his 2007 promise that he made in his national address to the Bahamian people that he will punish Cabinet Ministers who have broken the law or behave unethically.  What will ever become of the ignoble Ministers??


  1. Good work. Even in the nicest communities….some people just can’t be trusted. Let’s hope this gated community can keep its’ gate closed to the un-wanted from now on.

  2. BP you need to look into some local Bahamian who committing white color crime too from a college please check the story out too bp

    • joe i hear about it where the man lease the property from someone and then lease it out to the college and because they dont have a director here they rent it out to local and put the people in the run down property while the college still paying for it so they making double it a crime

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