Criminal Prey on the Old and Young in The Bahamas, 86 year Old Women Brutally Murdered in her Home Sunday



Police discovered 86 year old Iris Archer a resident of Danottage Estates dead with multiple stab wounds about the body, lying face down in a pool of blood in the living room of her home on Sunday afternoon.

Nassau, The Bahamas – An 86 year old New Providence resident was found dead, murdered in her home on Sunday morning, leaving residents of her community and police lost for words upon her discovery. Ms Iris Archer, a St. Agnes Anglican church member, was discovered by her daughter Karen Culmer lying in the front part of her home in a pool of blood with multiple stab wounds about her body.

The peaceful Danottage community resident told her daughter prior to her death, that she was not going to church Sunday as she was not feeling well. By the time her daughter had arrived to her home, the mother and grandmother was lying face down dead in her home. Members of the community filed into the home just before police arrived on the scene and could only describe the scene of the crime as grusome.

After putting out an all points bulletin yesterday for the suspect believed to have done this crime, police now report that have captured 33 year old Sandor Fowler in the Fox Hill area last evening.


Sandor Fowler 33 years old is now in police custody in connection with this latest murder.


  1. Alfred I appreciate your point of view. I to agree that if the evidence supports the charge then send them to jail. But what I do not support, is when individuals conspire to entrap an individual. Dwight Major was extradited to the US on evidence in a case Dion “BuJu” Minnus already served time for. He serverd four (4) years and has since been released. The question that should be asked is : What really made Magistrate C. Bethel do this?
    Dwight Major’s version says, after she asked him for $50,000 to have a case thrown out of court, he instructed Attorney L. Hilton to pay her the money. Instead he confronted her and causes a riot like shouting match in her chambers/Court.
    However the arrangements that were being made from court #8 to have this $50,000 collected was actually recorded by Dwight’s wife Keva Major. It was Reginald Ferguson while head of DEU and Crime who then visited Dwight Major at HMP (Check Prison Records) and told him to tell Keva he was coming to collect the tape recording. Dwight Major said it was this piece of evidence that Reginald Ferguson used to blackmail Magistrate Bethel and got her to go along with his plan. The key to all of this is Dwight’s cousin Dolita Ferguson. He said it is her who really wants him gone. Why?
    she wants the priceless Real Estate where KREM holdings was about to build a 100 room hotel.

    So like I said it’s the principal here that matters. I can not support twisted justice.

  2. I agree with the need for equality under the law and certain from personal experience that it sometimes doesnt exist in the Bahamas. This case however and these ppl are the worst example to use – they werent poor (how many millions they still have including condos on PI) and never hard working – name two jobs they did in the bahamas, besides there own hotel – They were known smugglers and I don’t mean what the case say or the US says – I mean KNOWN to everybody from South Long Island or anyone that spends time on the streets. Now mind you, justice still should be blind but I for one will need a VERY CLEAR separation from the issues of justice and soverenigty and the allegation of Sida Brown brown getting set up –

  3. Alfred like you said the legality of there extradition or whether we should have a treaty with the united states or any in fact, is the issue in my mind. Because it all boils to who know who which results in justice for sale ya know … so all us poor hard working folk who may cross the rich and powerful , beware cause ya just might really get F@%$D

    i hope the local media prove those who brand it “WUTLESS” wrong on this one

  4. I thought this was about drug dealing and murder – to suggest otherwise is foolishness –

    Sida Brown never made a legitimate dollar in his life and the bahamas and long island are better off with these criminals in jail – here or abroad.

    If you want to discuss the legality of there extradition or whether we should have a treaty with the united states is another thing. But its sad seeing you make an ass of yourself.

    I got a hundred dollars that not even the Punch will carry your story – judge the US media machine –

  5. Who has the authority to investigate the Commissioner of Police, The Parliament, The Prime Minister? Suppose the PM is unwilling, what then?

  6. REGINALD FERGUSON MUST GO!! AND GO RIGHT NOW!! I told you go and save your pension, you failed to listen. Now you are going to feel the wrath of justice.

  7. To all my fellow bloggers out there, if you want me to send you copies of these documents showing The Former United States Attorney General John Ashcroft’s signature just request it:

    It would be my pleaseure. The international media has it already anyway. They ga S%#T bricks on this one. Plenty people going down when the real news break.

  8. Correction: The document Signed By John Ashcroft was dated August 9th 2003 and not August 8th 2003. Nonetheless it was signed days before the request for extradition was prepared. They failed to cover their tracks properly. Now I gat dem. All of them

  9. The other questions that must be answered by Acting Commissioner of Police Reginald Ferguson are:
    a). Where is the $1.6 million dollars that was found in Mr. Dwight Major’s house in Coral Harbor?

    b). Where is the $1.4 million dollars that was found in Mrs. Keva Major’s possession when she was arrested?

    c). What about the $675,000.00 dollars cash found in Mr. Dwight Major’s saftey Deposit Box at Scotia Bank Wullf and East Street Branch?

    Reginald Ferguson, it was you who was in charge of crime and DEU at the time so it is you who must answer to these questions. All these lies so that your wife can continue to divide up that choice land in Long Island. This land is owned by Mr. James Mackey.

    With the latter being absolutely factual, Why is it that Reginald Ferguson’s wife Dolcita Ferguson (Mr. Dwight Major’s cousin), shortly after 2003 retained the services of Attorney Rachel Culmer. Ask her she is an Attorney she has sworn oath to the truth she can’t lie to yall.

    All this crap was over land grabbing. This is Shameful.

  10. Omar i see what you saying…..i saw documents of which you speak first hand (well copies) there were conflicts with dates lke you pointed out…intresting… dam aint that a B%#^H …what do you guys think about the extradition?…BP was it lawful?…

  11. It is now official: Dwight Major and Keva Major
    have both been extradited to the US. Now that this action has been taken, I have forwarded all documents and supproting affidavits to contacts at MSNBC, BBC, World link TV, WSVN Channel Seven news, and CNN. I wanted to save those involved the embarrassment but you all have left me no other choice. Some one will have to answer how is it that John Ashcroft’s signature appears on a document dated August 8th, 2003for the request for extradition
    of the Majors when the request itself signed by Ms. Lystra Blake was not prepared until the 12th of August. 2003? Sombody put his signature to that document the questions are Who? and Why?
    “I bet Reginald Ferguson and Craig Butler (DEA)can” This is only the beginning, I will not stop until the truth is revealed.

  12. SO how were you following these “closed sessions?” Cases that are held in camera cannot be reported in the press.

  13. What is happening to the Majors is a prime example of how alot of corrupt people in high places get away with evil. The governmant needs to take a stand and look into this asap. I believe every word that Mr Archer wrote because I’ve been following the Majors’ case for the pass 5 years and everytime they get a chance to be heard they have been speaking out on these issues and the inhumane treatment they have been getting. When will someone take action, when they’re dead? I even went to their court hearing a few times and you wouldnt believe it but the DEU police did not allow anyone in the court, its always on a close session, Why? Aren’t we living in a free country? One would think that this sort of injustice or kangarooo court is only heard of in Africa. We as a people need not judge persons by what the police say. Those two people are bahamians and they deserve the same right as anyone of us because they have young children.

  14. Report generated
    March 13th, 2008


    KREM Holding Ltd (Dwight Major and Keva Major not shareholders) granted approval in principle
    From the Office of the Prime Minister to construct a 100 room hotel in Cabbage Point, Long Island;
    $1.9mil worth of intended construction material for import from Venezuela attached to approval with direction from the Office of the Prime Minister to liaise with Bahamas Customs for tax exemption.
    Canadian investors were lined up to spend $250 mil. On this project. Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU)
    Of the Royal Bahamas Police authorized to tap phones of Dwight Major and learnt that he was to have a
    Shipment of building material from Venezuela.

    Early 2000

    With approval in hand, Sider Brown Construction Investments Ltd., a company owned by Dwight Major.
    To be the intended contractor of the proposed hotel, imports heavy duty equipment to Long Island, Bahamas from Florida, USA to commence work on building site.

    Intended building site is subject of family dispute for decades. One of the parties in this dispute is Mrs.
    Dolcita “Dolly” Ferguson, wife of the then Assistant Commissioner of Police of the Bahamas Reginald Ferguson (“ACOP”) in charge of crime and Drug Enforcement Unit of the Royal Bahamas Police Force. He is now the Acting Commissioner of Police since Feb. 2008.

    Dolly Ferguson is the second cousin of Dwight Major. Her mother, Ms. Naomi Pratt- Martinborough, is the sister of Dwight Major’s grand mother, Ms Olga Pratt-Major, (On Dwight Major’s father’s side), Naiomi and Olga were children of Mr. William Pratt, son of Edwin Pratt, patriarch of the Pratt family and owner of 580 acres of land at Cabbage Point, a portion (100 acres) on which the proposed hotel was planned for construction.

    The 100 acres in question was left by Edwin in his will to son, Irvin Pratt, brother of the said William Pratt. Irvin, who resided and died in Homestead, Fl. USA did not probate the estate of Edwin until 1974. As an old man in his 80’s, he granted a power of attorney to a grandson, Mr. James Mackey, to deal with the property. It is Mr. Mackey that KREM contracted to utilize the 100 acres for the proposed development.
    Once Dwight Major was jailed in 2001 after having been harassed by DEU Officers, which included the shutting down of building site and arrest of construction workers, Dolly Ferguson and other family members not entitled to the 100 acres purportedly took possession of land in 2003 and physically divided it up without permission from Mr. James Mackey. Dwight Major considers this to be the genesis and basis of the pursuit against him.


    News of the Police activity at Cabbage Point in 2000 under the guise that the development was a money laundering operation of drug trafficking proceeds by Dwight Major found it’s way into the halls of Parliament where Mr. Bradley Roberts , opposition Member of Parliament at the time accused the government of the day (FNM) or encouraging illicit activity by virtue of the fact that Dwight Major was
    The nephew of Hon. Frank Watson, then Deputy Prime Minister of the Bahamas.

    November 2000

    Immediately after the pronouncement in Parliament, a team of DEU officers entered Dwight Major
    Construction site, wantonly demolishing materials, harassing workers and eventually locking them
    up for trespassing although land owners made no complaint. Dwight Major is also arrested and re-manded to HMP on charge of obscene language and threats of death to the arresting officer. After two weeks in custody he was granted bail and returned to Long Island. One week after being released the
    Magistrate summons him to court to begin trial at 9:00 am in Long Island. Oddly, the Magistrate held
    Court straight through the entire day without breaks up until 10:30pm when She instructs Dwight Major
    Attorney that she expected them to put on the defense at midnight because she was sent to Long Island to conclude the trial. The Magistrate sentenced Dwight Major to sixteen (16) months for one count of threats of death .

    Early 2001

    Having tapped the telephone of Dwight Major and learning of Dwight Major trading with Venezuela building supplier, ACOP Reginald Ferguson set – up and entrapper said to be named “Alexander Johnson”
    Although he did not speak English as native speech (notwithstanding English Name). He posed as a representative from the Venezuelan building supplier although, according to testimony given by him in Magistrate Court case No. 181 of 2001 he arranged a meeting for the traveller’s Restaurant. As he was entering the restaurant Dwight Major was advised by his wife Keva Major that the Venezuelan supplier told her that their representative was not even scheduled to leave for the Bahamas to meet with Dwight Major for another week. As such, the person waiting in the restaurant was an imposter. Knowing this Dwight Major still approached the table and, while standing, he immediately exposed the entrapper and told him and the others to tell their handlers and ACOP Reginald Ferguson that he does not eat nor drink with the police; the entrapper was assaulted with a beer bottle by Dwight Major while the police managing the surveillance from a nearby vehicle was apprehended by persons traveling with Dwight Major, was removed from the vehicle and beaten.
    Although Dwight Major did not have any conversation or discussion with the entrapper or other person present, Dwight Major was later arrested and charged with conspiracy to import a huge quantity of drugs into the Bahamas before Stipendiary and Circuit Magistrate Carolita Bethel in Case No. 181 of 2001.

    Note, however, that Dwight Major was not charged with the assault of the entrapper no was this incident the subject of the indictment by which the request for extradition was made in June 2003 although, on the face of it, the alleged facts for which he has been convicted (presently being appealed) suggests a more clear circumstance of conspiracy to import drugs into the USA than what is being sought for. Furthermore, Dwight Major would have been convicted in Magistrate Court
    Case No. 181 of 2001 when the Grand Jury convened to consider the case. Also arrested on this day at the home of Dwight Major was Mr. Miguel Osbino who was charges as a co-conspirator to Dwight Major.
    The sum of 1.67 mil was seized from the house, however six (6) months later $600,000 went missing so DEU changed the charges from 1.67 mil to 1.07mil.


    Although Dwight Major asserts that the sum of $1.67mil (forming substratum offence) was seized from the said house where his alleged co-conspirator (Miguel Osbino) was arrested, only 1.07mil was eventually ordered forfeited to the Crown by said Magistrate Bethel on the 12th March, 2001 in
    Case No. 182 of 2001 (not no. 181 of 2001).


    Upon making allegations against the said Magistrate Bethel that she solicited a $50,000 bribe
    From Dwight Major. As a result Dwight Major was thrown into a dungeon like cell and solitary confinement where he stayed for more than 2,000 days before being transferred to a conventional
    cell in May 2007 upon constitutional motion in Supreme Court Action No. PUB/CON/4-5 of 2007.
    Dwight Major continues to be denied medical treatment for pre-existing conditions (peptic ulcers;
    pyretic gland problem). Dwight Major told me face to face that now Acting Commissioner of Police Reginald Ferguson personally went to Fox Hill prison to ask him for the tape that was recorded when
    Court #8 called his home for the $50,000 dollars. Ferguson got the tape from Keva major and covered it up to use as a way to get Magistrate Bethel to conspire with his plan to use a case that she had already adjudicated upon to extradite Dwight Major.


    Keva Major is charged before Stipendiary and Circuit Magistrate Linda Virgil in Case No. 3677 of 2002
    With respect to her possession of $850,000 cash although she asserts that $1.4mil was actually seized upon her arrest. Her cell phone was then taken by POLICE.


    By order of Magistrate Bethel Dwight Major is taken from his cell and brought to her Court although he did not have a scheduled hearing before her or ant other court at that time. Upon questioning why he was brought to court without his lawyer present, the POLICE officers presented her Order for his attendance to Magistrate. Dwight Major was made to sit
    for two (2) hours in the prisoners box in Court, before the Magistrate rose to take a telephone call after which she orders him returned to HMP.
    Upon arriving at the prison at about 1:30pm in the Court yard of the maximum Security Prison, Dwight major is greeted by the then Superintendent, Mr. Edwin Culmer and a white man wearing camouflage fatigue with the words “DEA” on an arm patch and hat. While Dwight Major was being taken to his cell by high ranking officers, inmates in the Western wing of HMP out of sight of the court yard spoke out and said a white DEA officer was in his cell earlier. As a result Dwight Major refuses to enter his cell and insists that he wanted the officers to check his cell before he was made to re-enter. As soon as the door was opened by Sgt Rahming, he retrieved a white plastic bag that was sitting on the bed which he showed to Chief David Forbes as containing a cell phone. Dwight Major immediately recognized the cell phone as being that of his wife Keva Major which had been taken from her by POLICE on the 1st, October 2002 when she was arrested.
    Amazingly, Dwight Major’s cell had been searched by DEU officers more than (3) times in as many months prior to this without revealing the presence of any cell phone.


    Dwight Major convicted of offences in Magistrate Case No. 181 of 2001 was not sentenced at this time, instead he was sentenced 4 ½ years later. Under the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code , appeal against conviction and/or sentencing cannot commence until after sentenced is passed. This is a clear and deliberate manipulation of the law and must be done away with.

    The Magistrate bases her conviction of Dwight Major on her contention that Osbino had pleaded guilty in Magistrate Case No. 181 of 2001. The fact of the matter is he NEVER DID. Osbino was convicted in Magistrate Case No. 182 of 2002 which related to his alleged possession of proceeds of crime. His equivocal responses render his conviction unsafe.
    The said Magistrate Bethel not only gave misleading information about Osbino having pleaded guilty, but she also never calls him to give evidence nor allows him to do so in support of Dwight Major. Why?
    Indeed his sworn statement which clearly exonerates Dwight Major from the conspiracy charges, was never disclosed and put on the record of the Court. This statement was inadvertently disclosed in an Affidavit of an attorney, Ms. Darnell Dorsette in the office of the Attorney General in Supreme Court Action No. PUB/00026 of 2007.

    Magistrate Bethel attempted to seize the conduct of this matter (extradition proceedings – Action No. 0008/9 of 2004) she was denied such opportunity by the chief Magistrate after strenuous objections of the
    Attorneys of Keva Major on the basis of concerns of bias coming out of the said Supreme Court Action No. 566 of 2002. Furthermore, she was the Magistrate who had adjudicated in the matter of #782 of 2002, which had the same facts as the extradition case.


    Note that none of the Affidavits supporting the request and eventually made had been sworn to at this time. Warrants of Arrest for Dwight Major and Keva Major signed by a “C. Butler” who is believed to be a DEA agent named Craig Butler attached to the US-Embassy in the Bahamas. Dwight Major had met Craig Butler when Asst. Director of Public Prosecution (Cumberbatch) took Dwight major from prison it was at this time Butler threatened Dwight major that he was going to “Fry his ass” if he did not work with him. Dwight rejected the offer. It was two (2) weeks after being arraigned for extradition Dwight Major was visited at HMP by a Florida Judge from West Palm Beach who then advised him to let his attorney contact him because the warrant was obtained illegally.


    Warrants to apprehend Keva Major and Dwight Major were issued by the said Magistrate Bethel with words stating that it has been shown to (her) that Dwight Major and Keva Major is accused of various offences in the USA. It has not yet been disclosed to Dwight Major and Keva Major how and the circumstances in which Magistrate Bethel became aware of such accusations. Dwight Major and Keva Major contended that the said Magistrate Bethel had colluded with USA-Based authorities to secure the indictment upon facts which she always knew related to another case she had already adjudicated upon in the Bahamas.


    Dwight Major, while still serving his custodial sentence, was also arraigned on the basis of the said Warrant of Apprehension issued by the said Magistrate Bethel. It should be noted that the facts underpinning that part of Count 1 of the indictment involving an event in August 2002, relates to a
    Criminal case, the facts of which fell and was determined within the legal jurisdiction of the Bahamas.
    All police witnesses, including forensic scientists, testified that the offence took place in the Bahamas.
    Not only was it adjudicated upon in the Bahamas by the said Magistrate Bethel in Court Case No. 782 of 2002, the accused in that matter \, Mr. Dion Minnis, was convicted by the said Magistrate Bethel and released after serving a 4 year term of imprisonment.


    Assessment Order was made by the Registrar of the Supreme Court allowing for $449,085.73 to be paid to Dwight Major and keva Major from their assets pursuant to the Order of the Court on the 10th, April, 2007 in Action No. 01168 of 2003

    This being as it may, the authorities have refused to comply with this order although more than adequate cash is supposed to be on hand. Dwight Major and Keva Major feels that compliance is not forthcoming because all of the funds seized from them (3,000,000) have been spirited away by those who had possession and/or custody and/or control over it.


    Letter to the treasurer of the Bahamas requesting proof of sum of $1.07mil ordered forfeited to the crown by said Magistrate Bethel was actually deposited and received by the treasurer in the consolidated account in or around March 2001. No reply has been forthcoming from the treasurer despite numerous telephone calls and follow-up letters for the same

  15. boi this some real sick S#%T…but do ya think that Fowler is really the killer?…

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