Crooked Islander Airlifted After Another Claim of Police Brutality in The Bahamas


Click to hear the victim’s story: ds_20060.mp3

Nassau, Bahamas – Now in the capital city after being airlifted from Crooked Island, Willis Mckinney told his story to Island FM/Cable 12 news team, of his brutal encounter with police on the Island. With tearful eyes and a trembling tone, pausing several times during his interview, Mckinney told reporters that he is now shaken by the ordeal.

Police from the New Providence were dispatched to that island, after residents woke up Thursday morning all to discover the government complex on that island gutted to ashes. The build being set ablazed is believed to be a result of the police beating of Mckinney. However, police are despelling that claim and are tight-lipped about Mckinney’s incident. Residents and family members on the island have made claims of police brutality on the island before and police say they take these claims serious.

On December 22, of last year residents of Bimini took the law into their hands and torched government buildings and police vehicles after a officer, who now facing manslaughter charges, alleged to have shot and killed Deno Rolle in the head. The death raged residents on that island, where for hours police engaged in a riot with residents on that island.

A source close to that investigation told our newsroom the matter is officially closed and to date has been arrested or charged with the destruction of government property on Bimini for the riots that claimed thousands of dollars in destruction of government property.

Police say they are still investigating the torched government complex on Crooked Island, which housed the police quarters, the commissioner’s officer, and the general post office on the island.


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  2. It saddens me as a Bahamian to see that some fellow fellow Bahamians resort to vandalism and crimminal activity when justice is what we should be seeking.I always thought that these type of reactions only happened in other countries.If you destroy government facilities you only hurt yourself.The pen is still mightier than the sword. I do not condone crimminal activity by police or civillians.

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