Crooked Island and Acklins Abandoned by Cable Bahamas to feel the FLOW from BTC


BTC FLOW TV set to present a “Connected Bahamas” to the world with over 130 channels!

BTC CEO Leon Williams
BTC CEO Leon Williams

Nassau, Bahamas – Residents on Crooked Island and Acklins are still without Cable – those southern island communities have been left offline by Cable Bahamas and the public wonders why.

The disconnection came following the visit of Hurricane Joaquin in October 2015. Since then the residents have been left locked out of the world when it comes to television.

Since last year we learned Cable Bahamas operated five different over-the-air television broadcast systems in the Central Bahamas – on Crooked Island, Acklins, Mayaguana, Rum Cay and Ragged Island – where residents received services using a standard TV with a broadcast receiving antenna.

Last year October CBL said the following in a press release: “Replacement equipment and materials are en route from North America and are expected to arrive at the islands that are still impacted by Wednesday. Crews will be co-ordinated to ensure that the restoration of broadcasts at these locations is expedited.”

Vice President of Engineering John Gomez noted that work to restore the distribution cable plant and work on the cable television transport facilities was being carried out simultaneously. “Our hardworking crews are working diligently to ensure that restoration of services is completed quickly and safely,” he said.

But last week Bahamians got the shock of their lives after MP for MICAL Hon. V. Alfred Gray told the Parliament that the cable company has all but abandoned his people and left them in the dark.

We at BP know Cable Bahamas has been a weak provider when it comes to services across the family islands and have placed much of their focus in more populated communities.

Minister Gray, who made his voice loud and clear, told Parliament that he has now called on BTC, which is now introducing FLOW TV across the country, to deliver his community .

BTC’s new television platform will deliver more than 130 channels to the Family Islands, which can only get 6 channels from the cable company.

Testing of BTC’s FLOW TV is now in progress with 68 testers in Cat Island, the next destination for the launch of BTC’s newest product, which will deliver television service to areas that never had it. The FLOW TV caravan will also move through Exuma where BTC expects to have its first customers very soon, especially to underserved areas like Barretarre, Rolleville and Williamstown, all settlements which have been virtually ignored by the Cable television provider. Testing is also ongoing in Long Island and parts of Andros.

BTC’s Chief Executive Officer Mr. Leon Williams is adamant that BTC will provide a “Connected Bahamas”, offering the same quality of products and services on each island, noting that FLOW TV powered by BTC will continue to revolutionize the way that customers experience television throughout the islands of The Bahamas.

We report yinner decide!

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