Cross-dresser connected to POWERFUL OPERATORS of the Albany Resort victimizes a friendly couple behind the gates in western New Providence – BP IS ON THE CASE!


DECENT Family Victimized following incident by Resort Top Boss Cross-dressing son

Cross-dresser Spencer Charrington aka BOY GORGIE still not charged! WHY?!

NASSAU| Bahamas Press is following serious criminal behavour and sexual violation unfolding deep inside the gated community of Albany, which before now has been hushed-up and kept within in the community. 

BP is learning the Royal Bahamas Police Force have now questioned an Albany cross-dresser, Spencer Charrington, the son of a Albany Top Boss Peter Charrington, over an alleged incident of groping a woman.

Sources deep inside the know tell us a resident couple were having a good time at a Moulin Rouge-themed WHITE PARTY on January one when the cross-dresser, Charrington, allegedly groped Mrs Diana Gagnon as she danced with her husband Philippe.  A fight broke out between Mr Gagnon and cross-dresser Charrington who continuously interrupted the couple that evening. 

After months of attempting to have this criminal act addressed by police got no results, the victims (the Gagnon couple) later found out that their welcome at the Resort started dwindling. 

After being a resident in GOOD STANDING for a decade, the Gagnon couple was denied more and more access to the facilities. Mr Gagnon’s wife was then kicked off the premises as she played tennis with friends, which came after the couple’s refusal to sign a document that would clear Spencer Charrington of any liability concerning the incident. WHAT IS THIS?!

In a quite turn of events, we later learned the police questioned Mr Gagnon in April about unlawfully causing harm to cross-dresser Spencer Charrington. And all this went on while Spenser was never charged for groping Mrs Gagnon. We are sure our international friends have found these developments most disturbing. 

Now police did question the cross-dresser on the groping claims on April 4th, but NO CHARGE HAS BEEN MADE! WHY?!

A corruption complaint has been filed by the Gagnons at the Western Police Station. Why this matter remains unconcluded is a great mystery. 

We at Bahamas Press will have more to say on this development as it looks like the troublesome cross-dresser has more rights than the law abiding residents deep inside Albany.

We report yinner decide!