28 th December, 2021.
Letter to the Editor
• 2019 Cruise Arrival Out Island tourism spend $28,264,946.00
• 2019 Cruise Out Island Cruise arrivals 3,578,077 passengers.
• Leakage ~85%
• Net/Net Out Island spend, after leakage, equates $1.18 per passenger.
• Carrying the Grand Lucayan cost Bahamians in excess of $150M of borrowed
• We would need 127,118,644 out island passengers for Bahamians to be reimbursed for RCL’s time and money wasting. 35 times more than 2019’s arrivals!
Bahamians have been left to scrap for crumbs.
Sincerely yours,
Capt. Toby C.S. Smith,