
Hubert Ingraham’s blue-eyed boy, Zharvigo ‘CRYBABY’ Laing is LATE AGAIN!

Here is a man [LAING] who is in “the belly of the Government” according to Hubert Ingraham. Zhivargo Laing told members of the WUTLESS MEDIA over the weekend that the slowing down of the United States economy will [NOW] have an impact on Tourism.

It was amazing Laing was not shedding tears over this statement?

When responding to the “CHIEF VICTIMIZER”  [Perry Christie] – over the slowing of the economy in November 2007  – Laing at that time said, “This statement is baseless.”

Arguing against Christie’s claim, Laing’s response suggested that the economy was buoyant and growing.

And Laing made that statement despite the fact that Ingraham had FIRED 1,200 government workers that same year. The same year Ingraham stopped over $90 million in capital development projects. The same year Bacardi left The Bahamas and jobs around the country declined. Business slowed and everything came to a STOP! And despite all that, Laing still said that everything was good and that Christie’s statement was “BASELESS”.

In January of 2008, Laing then said, “the foreign direct investment projects that are already in train in The Bahamas will likely not be as severely affected by the recession.” But by then, The I-Group project had stopped and canceled their development. Royal Island had stopped and canceled their development and now today word looms that Ginn may default on its loan where work has slowed to a stop in West End.

It is obvious, the man who is said to be “in the belly of the Government,” [WHATEVER THAT MEANT] is not aware of what is happening in the body of the country.

Laing is definitely NO PROPHET! And if he knew what was happening on the ground, he would have known from last year, that the economy had slowed and agreed with the “CHIEF VICTIMIZER”. But like Hubert would say, “HE [LAING] IS LATE AGAIN!”

Laing, that is what you get when you sneak two trailers of MONA VIE through Grand Bahama and change the tariff in the process, BREAKING THE LAW! YOU JUST DON’T KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE COUNTRY ANYMORE!…OK, you can cry NOW!


  1. Joe Blow, read my post carefully. I said EVEN IF DEEP DOWN INSIDE HE DOESNT CARE…..I never said he didnt care. I was commending the brother for the way he carries himself. I am 100% behind him, trust me. He is a decent man.

  2. I am sorry 100 plus workers have lost their jobs, but to be honest with you Pepsi isn’t good for your health anyway. Also, for a long time they have not been keeping up with their original standard.

  3. Objective thought Allyson Maynard and Glenyss Hanna Martin are two great ladies, who have contributed so much to our country. These ladies have what it takes to run this country and if one of them were made party leader, I would be voting for the PLP in the next election. Right now, I am not impressed with the FNM or PLP.

    Not because I makes stale jokes about public figures, that means that I have a personally vendetta against them. These people are public figures and sometimes they will be subjects of praises, jokes and criticism. These persons are aware that when they take on such a public role there will be some negative and some positive that comes along with the job. We should not be attacking each other or name calling over these politicians. There are some Bahamian politicians that I respect and sometimes others and I have made fun of them and I hope our leaders are strong enough to deal with it, because when you are talking about running a whole country you can not afford to be a cry baby. You should be able to do the job the people elected you to do and you should not victimize people for their views.

  4. Joe Blow, I have always said that Tommy would make a great leader..He happens to be the only FNM leader that I might support. He does care but as long as HI is the leader he can’t show it too much or he will be cut off from the inner circle!!

    Kim, You need to take a ride in Pinewood and look at their new park that was properly kept until Allyson was voted out. That would tell you just how much better Woodside is at managing things!! It looks filty!!

  5. The more I see Turnquest the better I like him. He certainly tries to accommodate the opposition and works well with Dr. Nottage. He doesn’t rile easily, although lately I have seen him strike back when he is unfairly taken to task by someone in the opposition. His father is a gentleman and he has inherited some good traits there. Perhaps he is a little too gentle to be P.M. I must disagree with you when you say that he doesn’t care about the people. is portfolio is a very difficult one and I believe he is trying to get it right.

  6. Joe Blow whereas what you are saying is true, you must admit that Laing gets more preferential treatment than Turnquest and Bethel combined.

    Laing is the heir apparent but I feel Tommy Turnquest has more experience than Laing and Bethel. With a little more training, Turnquest would definitely make an EXCELLENT prime minister. Even if deep down inside he really doesnt care about the people of this country, at least Turnquest shows face and PRETENDS TO. Think about HI……he makes it CLEAR he doesnt care.

  7. If Ingraham babying Laing up so he could be the next Prime Minister, I can assure you that the FNM will not get my vote. I see Laing as a selfish cry baby, who only into him and his family. I don’t have any reason, but I just don’t want Turnquest either. Even though Bethel is a shady individual, I rather vote for him before I vote for the other two. I really hope Ingraham find some other people before the next election. Perry Christie was a major disappointment as Prime Minister. I had great expectation for him, he let me down big time; he was so indecisive and late all the time. I hope the PLP don’t come back with those lazy and sleepy eyes Neville Wisdom (what a waste!). I think Glenyss Hanna Martin or Allison Maynard should run as the leader of PLP. I respect these ladies and feel they have a vision for our country. I little concern about Allison though, when she was defeated she had a hard time believing it. This woman would keep counting them ballets over and over like she going out her head. Her head isn’t too good; she needs to go see Generalcrazy. She better don’t fool with running the next time.

  8. One of the roles of a good leader is to prepare a person or persons to take over the reigns before one retires. In the case of a government it naturally gives the voters a glimpse at the strengths and weaknesses of an “heir apparent”. We are getting a chance to take a good look at Laing, Bethel and Turnquest. They appear to be the ones most favoured. One of Mr. Christie’s problems was that he did not put 2 or 3 younger and more promising members into the limelight so that we could make a more accurate assessment of their abilities. Perhaps he thought he could wait for a few more years. Or just maybe he doesn’t like comparisons.

  9. Yeah Hubert Ingraham is his “political daddy” so to speak and he is grooming him to take over the FNM when he FINALLY decides to call it quits. Notice how he gives Laing everything on a silver platter.

  10. Hubert does baby Min. Laing too much. He is always trying to shelter him. That’s why when he comes between two heavy weights like Obie and Perry he can’t handle it and that’s why he is cry. Perry and Obie don’t have any sympathy for cry babies (lol).

    Zhivargo Laing has a young baby at home, he can not be giving the baby competition. He needs to stop crying and take his beating like a man. I don’t blame him for being a cry baby, I blame Hubert for this (lol).

  11. CRYBABY?
    I wonder what Mr. Laing is going to tell his people in Freeport next election. I don’t see Freeport economy transforming before the next three to four years, and by then the PLP would be able to use the famous quote; “ya late again.”
    I think he crying to run in another constituency. And if he cry loud enough daddy ga listen to him.

  12. Laing needs to stop the “belly aching” as he know as long as Ingraham is at the helm, he is straight.

  13. It is the current Ingraham administration that is responsible for our current economic woes. They thought that they could stop and restart the PLP’s projects and then take credit for them or outright cancel them and bring in new investors. It may have worked too but the economic woes in the US threw a monkey wrench into the gears. The delays caused some investors to lose financing and others to reconsider their plans or downsize them. On top of that new investors are now hard to come by as everyone is gripping their wallets until the current crisis subsides. Christie was right to concentrate on 2nd home type investments. People are more likely to travel to a second or third home in these type of times as compared to a resort where they have to pay for everything.

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