Renado Curry’s family releases statement following vicious and damming attack on PLP candidate by FNM Step Mother

Kermit , Renardo’s brother showed up to the meeting and was not allowed to have a say when his step mother was given free reign to speak at liberty. It is only fair that Kermit rises to the defense of his brother via a Press Release.
“In nothing short of SHEER CRAFTED POLITICAL WITCHERY” my brother Renardo was wrongfully besmirched and mis-characterized by our late father’s “KNIFE and WIDOW”.
Our father would have never agreed on such a libelous and disgraceful act as was perpetrated last evening. He was a proponent of free will and woefully opposed strongarming free thinking moral agents to support agendas contrary to their belief.
Our support of the PLP is the celebration of choice that our father so adamantly believed in.
We call on his widow to do the right and decent thing in honoring our father’s legacy and belief , the man she purports to love and not allow brownie cheap political points to be the hallmark of his memorial.
All Bahamians would have at least some recollection that our father spent more than half of his life as a gospel singer; political agendas was never his forte. He lived a quiet life and left a legacy that not only us his sons, but one that all Bahamians can cheerish. May his eternal soul continue to rest in peace.