Cynthia Mother Pratt tells stalwarts the country needs Brave Davis?



Nassau, The Bahamas: Cynthia “Mother” Pratt, current Deputy Leader and MP for Saint Cecelia, has endorsed Philip “Brave” Davis as her successor in the upcoming election of officers at the PLP convention this month. Mother Pratt made her announcement of Davis, the Member of Parliament for Cat Island and Rum Cay, during a Stalwart’s Breakfast held at the Sheraton Cable Beach Hotel this past weekend.

Pratt told scores of stalwarts gathered that the time has come for the PLP to give back to the man who has given so much to the Party.

Pratt said, “I’ve met you in this Party Brave and you’ve never asked for anything. You have given of your self to this Party over many years, and while people have come and gone, you’re still here pressing forward.”

“This country do need you. We are at a crossroad in our lives and at a crossroad in this country. People are dying, crime is escalating, respect has gone out the door long time ago where people have no concern about lives anymore and that’s why the country needs people like you,” Pratt said.animation-2_1

Paying tribute to the life of Sir Clement T. Maynard, Davis said, “He was a giant among men and in the tradition of the PLP he did much to advance the right of the average Bahamian.  He served as deputy leader of our party and Deputy Prime Minister of our country. I am grateful for the support and counsel during my frontline political career.”

Calling on all PLPs to become a family once again, Davis reminded Stalwarts of the time when PLPs were unbreakable.
“PLPs, there was once a time when we operated as a family.  There was a time when the camaraderie amongst us was unbreakable and undeniable.  We were united and strong and it showed.  There was nothing that we could not achieve together.  There was no obstacle that was too great when we faced it together.

“Those were the days when the struggles for this country captured our full focus and we would sacrifice everything to advance the movement of change all across this Bahamas,” Davis said.

Highlighting the PLP’s accomplishments in its march to build a better Bahamas, Davis saluted builders of the Party including Sir Lynden and Sir Clement.

animation-3“With countless more of you, we marched forward.  We advanced and we changed the Bahamas and we did it together!
“PLPs, with a list of accomplishments so long as ours, as a Party that has marched this country so far, it is easy for us to think that we have marched far enough.  It’s easy for us to tire and tell the Bahamas we can march no more. PLPs, we still have further to go,” he said.

Pointing his attention to national concerns, Davis decried the level crime has escalated in the country.

“The Bahamas is in a fight for its very existence.  Crime has gotten to a point where our murder rate is more than 4 times higher than that of the United States!

“Everyday there are reports of heinous, brazen murders – every murder seemingly more inhuman and colder than the one before.  Our people are getting killed as they try to live their lives as best as they can, our Bahamas is slipping away,” he said.
Turing his attention to the Economy, Davis said that this is no time for smooth talking, “Cotton-candy politics is over.  It’s time to get work!  Our country today is in trouble!

“Our economy is going down the tube.  Unemployment is around 17% and going up every day.  What is going on in this country?”

“Our country has become directionless and our Captain bankrupt. How could a country decide to spend 6 million dollars according to them, to host a pageant, borrowed 160 Million dollars to pave roads using only two companies.  One of these companies is from Argentina,” he said.

Davis pointed to the hunger by people across the country who are looking for Change. He noted, “Taxi-drivers, the straw vendors, the business community, young Bahamians looking to buy their first home, and our young people in need of positive programs are counting on the PLP.”

Unveiling his Platform to modernize and restructure the Party at the morning breakfast Davis added, “I am prepared to work with the Party’s Chairperson, Leader and leadership team to bring about a stronger more unified and well-oiled political machine.”


  1. @william

    It is not my intention to speak for JR here, but what I gathered from the comments made earlier and tying them back to things JR has said in previous posts along this line is that BP has been highlighted for having an agenda in the political arena. Agitate for a change in Leadership (removing Perry Christie). The media is now as I see it being criticized for exaggerating, inflaming small issues and making it blatantly clear that this is personal. The back lash from that is the troops are surrounding Christie (out of sympathy or whatever) which will result in his likely return to Leader of the PLP.

    I agree with this to an extent and only if you believe that that was BP’s true agenda in the first place. I personally don’t think the media’s objectives were that ambitious. Cetainly if those results are yielded the media would be in “Hog’s Heaven” but it’s not expected.

    In party politics which operates much differently than national, delegates will not wipe out an entire slate of leaders for many logical reasons and this is truly what is going to keep Christie at the helm after this upcoming convention. If Brave shines overwhelmingly and proves his worth in this capacity then the whispers will start. Mother Pratt was never a threat to Christie because she took her position for what it was, a token reward.

    And at the end of the day who knows how this new combo will work together. Brave may be just what Christie needs to fight as an unbeatble tag team. If not, then back to convention to make changes again. I don’t think anyone in Christie’s arsenal will overtly or covertly work to undermine any candidate in bid for Deputy Leadership. Those running for leader though, if Christie wins as I presume will be “Back Benched”.

  2. @JR
    So you saying because BP supports Brave the Christie supporters are going after Brave. Well BP supports all kinds of people and it would be a shame if Christie does not support Brave. Brave has been a true friend to Christie even in times when it wasn’t okay to be. I am shocked when I hear that PC is supporting Obie who is known to say every manner of thing about him. Who made it his goal to undermine PC while they were in power and with the chairman continued after 2007. If PC is doing this then he is truly a disloyal, weak and nasty human being. I hope that this is not so because he would have lost every ounce of credibilty!

  3. @Rad
    This the team we going with Leader Perry “COOL PC” Christie,Deputy Philip “BRAVE” Davis and”BIG BRAD” Brad as Chairman unbeatable team.

  4. @Dibbles

    No one would be more happier!

    I’m wearing my PULL UPS on Thursday Night just in case!

    If he runs – If he wins – Dog EAT Mugabe Lunch and the rats will take care of the scraps i.e. what’s left of the FNM.

  5. I was present at that breakfast and was quite impressed at the amount of young persons present.Remember now this was a meal for stalwart consellors so the wide cross section shows that Brave did it correctly and started a campaign months ago.An organised and very meticulous person Brave has shown he is able to attract many of differing political persuasions.Has anyone asked why there is so much exciyement in the PLP of late?Mother Prattt knpws Arch Deacon Palacious knows you know and I know.Go go Brave.My only disappointment BP is the fact that you are starting to think like me and select the best lolo lolo..

  6. It was all smoke and mirrors. BP never hoped to drive Christie out but to damage him badly and to a great degree has been quite effective in that regard. While internally the party is gathering around, public opinion is at an all time low. It’s a two phased agenda.

    Round 1

    Get Brave in as Deputy Leader/Damage Christie

    Round 2

    Get Brave established as THE leader

    Finish off Christie and move Brave to the very top.

    Brave didn’t spend $3 1/2 million and counting to be a party’s deputy leader! He’s vying to be the country’ next PM.

  7. JR :
    If Brave don’t win, its because the people voted for someone else. Whether the PLP in problems with BP is of no consequence because you have shown that problems only exist if the people you oppose are in power. I told you months ago that this nastiness is going to have a negative affect on your objectives. You made the people protective of their leader and gave him a villain to go after. Dummies.

    CHANGE in the PLP is Coming Mrs Christie, GET WITH IT! You will soon be known as the FORMER first lady of the PLP!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  8. If Brave don’t win, its because the people voted for someone else. Whether the PLP in problems with BP is of no consequence because you have shown that problems only exist if the people you oppose are in power. I told you months ago that this nastiness is going to have a negative affect on your objectives. You made the people protective of their leader and gave him a villain to go after. Dummies.

  9. I mean look at the peopleeeeeeeeeeee, BOY, IF BRAVE doesn’t win the PLP would be in serious problems with BP!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  10. Rad :
    The only thing left to discus now is who’ll be chairman.
    Leader – Perry
    Deputy – Brave
    Chariman – ???

    NO NO get it right

    LEADER ????

    Deputy Leader “BRAVE” ALL THE WAY!

    Chairman: Bradley ROBERTS!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  11. The only thing left to discus now is who’ll be chairman.

    Leader – Perry

    Deputy – Brave

    Chariman – ???

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