Da General ACP Leon Bethel is headed to be the top man at the prison as Rahming is headed to Washington DC.


Major changes in government has already begun – PS changes now underway!

Leon 'Da General' Bethel is headed to HMP.

Nassau, Bahamas — Word has come that there is a major shakeup at Her Majesty’s Prison Service and Prime Minister Christie, through his minister of National Security, is set to announce the changes in the New Year.

The PM is wasting no time in sharpening the effectiveness of his GOLD RUSH government and is set to move key persons to better serve the Bahamian people.

Bahamas Press can confirm ACP Leon Bethel is set to take the top job at the Prison to deliver reform and tighten operation at the dollhouse!

Bethel comes with wide experience and talent in locking down areas in the country and specializes in breaking the back of crime. We believe his choice will no doubt end much of the lawlessness at HMP and bring order and recovery to the institution.

Meanwhile Bahamas Press has learnt top man at the Prison could be tipped for the top job as Ambassador to Washington DC.

Rahming will follow other former top government officials like Paul Farquarson and Carl Smith, who also served well in the diplomatic core.

We are also hearing come early in the new year, Jack Thompson, head of Immigration will take off his uniform. No word has come as yet where Thompson will serve in the new government.

We shall wait and see.

Da General knows how to set order and manage a prison system.

We report yinner decide!