Da Pudgy Pillsbury Dough Boy drunk like-a-skunk at the Harbour Island Seagrape Bar


Nassau, Bahamas — This weekend was a time of fun and frolic on the Island of Harbour Island, and from what we at Bahamas Press saw, it was a weekend of freedom for the Parliament’s Clown, the pudgy smudgy Pillsbury Dough Boy.

Now get this, the pudgy MP flew solo to North Eleuthera over the weekend and left behind his madam to be with his mistress, the ‘jungaliss’ from North Andros who broke up the government car on Arawak Cay a few months back.

The Pillsbury could be seen drunk as a skunk with his shirt slipped out of his pants, and his belt loose as he sipped himself into a drunken sputa at the Seagrapes Bar late into the morning.

Young Harbour Islanders could not believe how ‘vickedly’ the representative of young people behaved. The MP was carrying on like a JACKASS as he shocked the public pouring glass after glass of his popular drink – Hennessey and ginger ale.

The hangover took the Pillsbury into the Parliament this morning, where he could not remember where he left off on Thursday afternoon when the House suspended.

What was even more shameless was to see a ‘jungaliss’, known to be taking the ‘cocktail’ [and we don’t mean drinks], help carry the 300 plus-size pudgy ‘representer’ onto the back of a golf cart, as the trio drive into the morning night.

From the way things looked, the Pillsbury is back flying solo to the family islands with his Haitian ‘jungaliss’ sweetie, while the madam plays housewife. We hope he took his usual stuffed bag of condoms on the trip.


  1. This is so funny but yet so wrong on so many levels. I guess he figured he aint got nothing more to lose so he might as well have the last bit of fun he is going to have.

  2. this man have all kind off woman this a male slut!! he was in lil tits four time while i was there he was with three different woman twice with da pretty red young one. he is be bust rite up

  3. this man have all kind off woman this a male slut!! he was in lil tits four time while i was there he was with three different woman twice with da pretty red young one. he is be bust rite up

  4. this man have all kind off woman this a male slut!! he was in lil tits four time while i was there he was with three different woman twice with da pretty red young one. he is be bust rite up

  5. I cant believe all of these comments are not true!!! I was there the entire weekend and he HAD NO WOMAN WITH HIM.. the jungaliss who helped him to the car?? When did that happen? Don’t do it BP… you stay spreading propaganda!!! The guy loves to have fun and he has the right to do it!! And to think you would actually post! I’m disgusted!! And for the record the man has no Haitian Sweety

    • He didn’t had no woman according to YOUR STORY SCORPIO, but according to ours he did. SO WHAT? What thing is certain His wife wasn’t at the bar.


  6. Wow, what has our Bahamaland come to????. If all of these comments are true, we are not the only people reading these stories. We have a world-wide press; e.g. people who want to visit The Bahamas are reading if it is safe to visit this destination. No wonder we are now notorious for being “the most corrupt country in the Caribbean”. We have to change our image, and it will take years and reputable leadership!!!

  7. trust me this man don’t give a rat’s *** who see him he is be in lil tit’s singing secret lover with a young and i must say fine *** gal. one time he was there his bodyguard leave him. they stay open a extra hour just fa him. real looser i started to record it but my friend told me not to…

  8. Kim Sands, the missing Prison Keys is a scam, that is why they made it public. The Minister wants to justify another BIG give away contract to a friend for some security system (like the ankle bracelets scam). We need to read between the lines.

  9. Let the fella enjoy himself. I’m quite sure his wife knew exactly what she was signing-on for when she walked down the aisle in her $20,000 Vera Wang wedding dress and diamond-tip stilletos.

    The fella is from PLP royalty, and gats money coming out every hole in his body. How his wife, who come from the poor house, expect to put chains on him. She can’t, and she better not. I’m quite sure his wife enjoying the lush lifestyle, pudgy giving her: the champagne, the jets, the limo rides, the expensive hotels, the maids, the caviar and strawberries, and long gold and diamond chains. So what if the fella gat some hoes on the side, and likes his Hennesy and gingerale.

    Ya know I respect the fella because he makes no excuses for what he his. He is a man of people. Based on what I’m reading yall want him act snootie and flootie, and walk around like he have one crow-bar up his ***. Let’s stop be haters, the man is a high-rolla and shot-calla.

  10. lol this ain’t nuttin’ new! The years I been going down to Harbour Island, he is always the same. So I don’t find the story that amuzing to be honest. What I do find interesting is that as a sitting member of parliament, this honourable dude going to Lil Tits Bar lmao! Only jungaless is be in there! Hmmm, birds of a feather flock togetter I see.

  11. Child, I have some relatives up in Golden Isles and they telling me they don’t want this man back in the house representing them. They say he is carry on to bad man! Well, I told them that’s just Charlie being Charlie. BP you know what I am concerned about though? I want what’s up with those keys going missing at Her Majesty Prison. I think there has to be something fishy about that? If I were an employee there, I would have been calling in sick until they located those keys and still I wouldn’t feel safe going back, how I am suppose to know they didn’t take those keys to get them cut and handed the copies over to the prisoners? This is a serious breach of security and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

    • @Kim, I totally agree with you about those keys out there being cut – that’s why the moment they went missing all of those locks should have been changed. One ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure!

    • @Kim, I totally agree with you about those keys out there being cut – that’s why the moment they went missing all of those locks should have been changed. One ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure!

  12. this man is be in lil tits on carmicheal road getting chity up all the time this ain’t nutthing new he’s come dead late when most people gone so they won’t see his sweethart he is a disgrace for a MP. is no wonder the FNM FAILING AND CAN’T GET CHIT RIGHT, WHO DRINK MORE THAN THE PM, PLEASE RING THE BELL!!!

  13. So what he does not care about you or me, and the same thing goes for the others. In the Bahamas you are to caught up on politics and man start your own business, and stop lokking up to men in the House.

    no one cares about what he does

    • Blogger “Same Old”, I care what he does. He is a sitting member of parliament. He represents you, he represents me in our great honourable House of Assembly!

      As a banker I am told, no matter where I go after work hours, I must be mindful of my character and reputation, because even the most negative thing can have an effect as it relates to my job. A police officer, as you would of heard numberous times, but they are always on the job, even when they are not on duty.
      A sitting MP is no different! Pillsbury Dough Boy with jam & jelly should have more respect. I know alot of MPs who drink and smoke, but they do that privately. Stop taking ya affairs to the public domain for all to see. That’s all i’m saying!

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