'DAS A WIBE' at The National Center 25th April


What would happen if you die tomorrow? What would your life reflect? What legacy would you leave? In today’s society young and old alike are “giving up” their lives for the pleasures of sex, drugs or gang related activity. It’s time for a change!

Well the sensational, provocative Youth Drama “Das A Wibe” is back for its second run. And it takes a look at three characters who lived their lives caught up in these vices.

If you haven’t seen it – make it a point to check it out! And if you have……I’m sure you’ll want to check it out again – LOL! Drama written by Moya Thompson and Osvon Pratt and featuring the choreographies in martial arts (by Jawara Pierre), step (taught by Kaylen Jervis) and dance (by Dereka Deleveaux Grant). Also featuring the talents of the young, dynamic up and coming crumpers/mimers/dancers (RCG Dancers)

Lets open up the dialogue! Let’s open up our eyes!

ONE NIGHT ONLY on Friday April 25th, 8:00 pm, at the National Center for The Performing Arts – Shirley Street. Tickets are $15 and can be picked up at Logos Bookstore, Juke Box and Forsythe’s Communications. Group rates available for groups of more than 20. Email bahamasfilmgirl@yahoo.com. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS.
