DAVIS: PLP Plan Answers Call For Entrepreneurial Reinvention

Opposition Leader Hon. Philip Brave Davis Q.C.

Answering the call of Bahamians to own more of their country, the new Economic Plan of the Progressive Liberal Party seeks to do that and more by promoting ‘workspace hubs’ that will give rise to a proper support system for budding entrepreneurs.

Speaking on this issue, Leader of the PLP Philip ‘Brave’ Davis said some Bahamians have lost their jobs and instead of giving up, they have discovered within themselves the capacity for inventions and have started their own businesses. Their efforts should be celebrated he said as it is the kind of spirit and determination that can fuel the nation’s recovery.

He noted that support to these entrepreneurs can be given by providing a shared office space, which would lower barriers to entry for new business, lower costs of doing business and promote collaboration and networking. He added that support networks for Bahamians will be built, pairing them with advisors in a new National Mentoring Programme with links to financial investors. It was revealed that an immediate investment of $50 million to fund entrepreneurial development is promised and up to $250 million in 5 years.

“I’m talking about the hotel worker who has just learned just how dangerous it is to rely on a tourism job,” he said. “I’m talking about the college graduate who studied hard but finds herself shut out of opportunities in her own country. I’m talking about the young entrepreneur who had initiative, but lacked the technical skills to make his new company a success.”

Mr. Davis pointed out that many solutions in the Economic Plan are modern ones, but what drives the PLP in this endeavour is the belief that the government, the economy and the country should belong to the many, not the few. “This means we have a lot of work ahead of us,” he said.