Davis Shares Vision For New Candidate Fund

Day one at the PLP 53rd National Convention held at the Melia Resort in Cable Beach.

Nassau – Sharing his vision platform for a better and brighter PLP, Opposition Leader Philip ‘Brave’ Davis said something is seriously deficient with a nation’s politics when a common perception is that one must be wealthy to run for office. Therefore, in order to attract and obtain good leaders for the party, he is calling for the establishment of a fund that will provide support for new Parliamentary candidates.

Davis is of the view that there are many Bahamians with enormous talents and passion to lead, but are hindered due to modest means. As the PLP takes giant steps to rebuild, it is imperative that such people are brought to the forefront as their leadership is needed.

He stressed that the PLP is a big tent of visionaries who continue to shape the landscape of the country. This search for more luminaries, he said, would not only find persons who are prepared to build the party, but who can exercise the right judgement and skills to develop a vibrant Bahamas.

The former Deputy Prime Minister said the work of building justice, dignity and opportunity for all requires constant innovation and reinvention. With a New Candidate Fund in place, the needed change will surely come!

Davis is seeking to be reelected as party leader when the PLP National Convention kicks off at the Melia Resort on October 22 – 25.

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Caption: Day one at the PLP 53rd National Convention held at the Melia Resort in Cable Beach.