Candidates vying for Elizabeth declare their financials in the Gazette this morning


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  1. Well, Well, the Haitians soon start deciding the outcome of our elections!  Do you know what elections are like in Haiti?

  2. BP i saw that in the papers today, but what had me shaking my head with disgust was the article that was brought to my attention in the Tribune on the front page about this FNM government making it easier for Haitians living in the Bahamas to get residential status!

    Did you see that?

    The article says through an agreement made with the Haitian government in 1995, the Bahamian government would give special consideration to Haitians who were living in the Bahamas before 1985 Bahamian residency status!

    I honestly thought that that “consideration” was granted to Haitian nationals who were living in the Bahamas pre 1973. I was not even aware that it was changed by the FNM government in 1995. Did you know about this change?

    Secondly the article goes on to quote Brent Symonette as saying the government may move up the date. WTF?  Why is this FNM government forging these unwanted ties and agreements with Haiti?

    Haiti has nothing that can benefit the Bahamas. Absolutely nothing. Why are we forging agreements with a country where they get the better end of the deal?

    If the FNM moves that date up to say 5 years, then any Haitian in the Bahamas before 1990 can apply for residential status? Thats not right! No other country gets this special “consideration.”

    This sucks!

    BP have you heard of this? The FNM government cant be serious! Looks like they trying to get as much Haitians legal so their children could vote in the general elections

    I am sick to my stomach with the FNM and their foreign loving policies! Most Bahamians arent even aware that the ngovernment was thinking about moving in that direction.

    I pray to God the date is not moved..

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