Mr. Ingraham has done it to the FNM again! Time for Dr. Minnis to assume full control of the Party after North Abaco

Nassau, Bahamas – The Nassau Guardian’s most deadly team of investigative writers have begun the probe and are researching the FNM Candidate in the North Abaco seat, Greg Gomez. And the question must now be: “WHY WAS GOMEZ ordered out of the United States of America?”
The investigative team led by Nassau Guardian staff writer, Travis Cartwright-Carroll, and the dangerous Editor Candia Dames telephoned all three schools Gomez claimed he worked at.
In the interview, after failing to remember which schools he taught at while living in the United States of America, Gomez later told the Guardian that he worked at Carol City Middle School, Lawton Chiles Middle School and Thomas Jefferson Middle School in Miami, Florida.
But the Nassau Guardian wasted no time in using technology to contact the three institutions and revealed a shocking truth. According to the morning daily : “The secretary in the office at Carol City Middle School – where Gomez said during the interview that he taught for two years – said she does not remember Greg Gomez, but would have to check their records to be sure.
“The registrar at Lawton Chiles Middle School – where Gomez also said he taught for two years – also said she did not remember him in the eight years she was there, but would also have to check the school’s record.
“Secretary to the principal of Thomas Jefferson Middle School said she, too, does not remember a Greg Gomez in her six years at the school and would also check the school’s record.”
The revelations are fast becoming a national embarrassment for the Free National Movement, which stood hard with its candidate in a press statement Wednesday night saying the Party “has evidence verifying that the Florida Department of Education, Bureau of Education Certification, issued Mr. Gomez with a certificate attesting to his qualifications as a teacher of Business Education for grades 6 – 12.”
The Party added, “The FNM has also had sight of pay slips evidencing Gomez’s employment at three different Middle Schools in Miami…”
The Party however was short of issuing any of the copies to the press. UNBELIEVABLE!
We at BP know that this latest statement by the FNM cannot be true, because anyone listening to the tape recorded by Guardian Editor Candia Dames knows Gomez himself could not remember the schools he worked at, because he never worked at any school nor was he an educator as stated by the bad FNM PR warroom.
What was equally appalling after listening to the imploding audio by Gomez was the lame excuse by the opposition party, which is needed more now in the country than ever in our history, regarding the point that they blamed the PLP and the Media for probing and revealing these shocking and damning details.
What the FNM should take note of is that the people of the Bahamas – in particular the people of North Abaco – are not DUMB, STUPID, SLOW or FOOL! We know when someone’s head is full of jelly and is dangerously low on oxygen.
The FNM must accept the fact that this falls upon them because of ONE MAN – Hubert Alexander Ingraham who overrode the Party’s Council and leadership back in July when he announced his resignation and confirmed that he wanted this BAD CANDIDATE TO RUN! {See video below!}
Greg Gomez’s exposed failures and disappointment before the nation should be laid squarely at the feet of Hubert Alexander Ingraham and no one else.
Perhaps this is the time following the North Abaco race for the new leader of the FNM Dr. Hubert Minnis, to restructure the FNM and align it for 2017 win. After all, Perry Christie lost South Andros’ bye-election following Pindling’s resignation from Parliament back in 1997. Few would remember that, following that crushing defeat, Christie and his then handicapped PLP went on to win in 2002 election by a landslide.
Once Dr. Minnis gets over this hurdle and assumes full control of the organization, we believe he can ready the FNM for 2017, and together the FNM can return and deliver real change to the Bahamian people!