Defeated FNM Candidate in Mt Moriah withdraws “tear my poster down” case!


Dames withdraws case against Sandilands… Well what is dis?

Disgraced defeated former MP for Mt Moriah Marvin Dames

NASSAU| A magistrate has been informed that a defeated MP has decided to withdraw a case which unfolded in the run-up of the 2021 General Elections.

Axed, defeated now former Minister of National Security Marvin Dames has informed prosecutors that he will not continue to pursue a “tear down my posters” court matter.

A PLP campaign worker was accused of tearing down the defeated candidate’s election material. But is was people doing the needed job! FNM election material was being kick, grabbed, thrown in the garbage and rolled off the poles all around the streets of the country leading up to the September 16th polling. The height of the attack was seen on September 16th when the People of the Bahamas tore down and drop-kicked the entire CORRUPT WUTLESS Minnis Government!

Dames had a man by the last name Sandlilands (a very appropriate name in this case which described the state of Bahamians under Minnis) on $500 bail. But as the matter is now withdrawn the accused will no longer have to return to court on December 1st and is free to go.

We report yinner decide!