Nassau – A Defense Force Officer who is at the centre of the double vehicular homicide will finally be charged before the courts today.
Twenty-six year old Marine Christin Reckley was recklessly driving on Marathon Road when she struck and killed a brother and sister in the street. Leaving their bodies on the grass in the early evening. SThe marine fled the scene of the accident at the time. The incident occurred on Sunday 16th September 2018.
BP had live footage from the crime and we knew she could not evade the law. ya just cannot cover these things up – especially when BP is watching the country!
We believe for her leaving the scene of the fatality she cannot serve on the RBDF anymore! She should have known better and not behave like a criminal! Imagine that? People in uniform are dangerously and reckless operating on the streets just like the barbarian criminals we fight everyday. WHAT IS THIS?
The marine will be charged today for the following:
1). Killing In The Course Of Dangerous Driving (2 counts)
2). Failing to Remain Stationary after an accident
3). Driving whilst not covered against Third party insurance [SHE HAD NO DAMN INSURANCE].
BP congratulates the police for getting this one right and remind everyone that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!
We report yinner decide!