Deputy Registrar General Darian Creary and Bishop Andrew Stewart passed away Wednesday afternoon…


Nassau – Darian Creary, Deputy Registrar General, died last night following a battle with cancer.

Creary was instrumental in the modernization of the registrar’s office, particularly in the recent introduction of birth registrations across the country.

BP is also reporting the passing of Bishop Andrew Stewart, Chairman, Bahamas National Citizens Coalition (BNCC). Stewart is the brother of Pastor Timothy Stewart.

He, you should remember, was instrumental in elevating the national conversation on natural resources and called for the introduction of a Sovereign Wealth Fund, which would control the complete management of all our natural recourses in the country: Aragonite, Solar Salt, Fisheries, Fresh Water, Land, Sand, Aggregates, Sea Lanes, Airs Space, Oil & others.

Bishop Andrew died in a Florida hospital this afternoon.

May they rest in peace!

We report yinner decide!