Developing Leaders in Project Management


The Bahamas Institute of Financial Services (BIFS) and Project Management Solutions Limited collaborate to introduce a series of Project Management Certification Programs intended to empower students for greater success; because every idea, every possibility, every dream compels you to initiate a project for a new reality.

Just yesterday, the first graduating class was officially introduced to the Bahamian community at the Project Launch Event that was held at the BCPOU Hall on Farrington Road.  The list of students successfully completing the thirteen week program include Astrid Adjuah Cleare, Pauline Virginia Curry, Doria Phillipa Curry, Erica Laing, Rochelle Lightbourn, Tequelana Lightbourn, Kenlexis Mackey, Miguel Pratt, Randy Rolle, Terah Hanna-Sweeting, LaVorn Taylor and Carol Young.  The thirteen week course covers everything from identifying stakeholders, defining requirements, project planning, execution, monitoring and controlling cost, resources, risks and formally closing the project.

Project management knowledge and skills is applicable to everyone. Primary school students, recent graduates, those displaced by economic conditions and looking to make themselves more marketable for that first job, high-ranking executives wanting to further hone their expertise and everyone in between.

Dorcas Cox, a PMP certified instructor with over 15 years hands on experience in teaching adults walks students through practical, easy-to-understand steps used as a medium to facilitate innovation and rebirth in their lives, and in our business and social communities.

“Rebirth begins with a change of mindset which is the first principle that the course teaches.  Students walk into the program having managed and been involved with projects for years.  We challenge them to imagine how much more successful their projects can be by applying a different approach,” says Miss Cox.  As students progress in the course they further develop the skill set that support a shift in mindset.  These skills include relationship building, team building, team leadership, problem solving, and communication among others.  Students test these skills in the context of a real world project that is a requirement for successful class completion.

By the end of the course, students are prepared to sit either the Project Management Professional (PMP) or the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) exams.  These are the globally recognized, premier designations in Project Management awarded by the Project Management Institute (PMI) in Pennsylvania U. S. A.  The Project Management Institute (PMI) is the organization responsible for creating, updating and maintaining the Project Management Body of Knowledge and is the global governing body in project management.

Project management certification classes for seven day boot camp and thirteen week terms are conducted at The Bahamas Institute of Financial Services (BIFS).