A BREAKING BP NEWS ALERT: Did a 32-year-old young mother die because of negligence at PMH?


Lateria Lavette Ritchie

Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press wonders if a young 32-year-old mother is in the grave today as a direct result of negligence practiced by a doctor at the Princess Margaret Hospital.

The institution plagued with incompetence could be responsible for ending the life of the young Bahamas Credit Corporation employee who died one month after giving birth to a baby boy in November.

The late Lateria Lavette Ritchie, the victim in this mishap, gave birth to a healthy boy, Jordan Joshua, at the Princess Margaret Hospital. Nevertheless, somehow the attendant offering natal services made a medical mishap, and as we are told, left the afterbirth in the healthy mother.

Ritchie’s health began to deteriorate as complications in her body began to fester. Friends tell us it was then the young woman returned for medical attention, she discovered deadly infection had advanced into key areas of her body, affecting both her lungs and heart.

The medical mishap could cost the Government of the Bahamas a fortune, as it has already caused the life of the mother robbing her closely knitted family.

Ritchie at a baby shower just days before her delivery in November.

“We are devastated by the death of Lateria,” a family member told BP, “and we are determined to make certain that person[s] practicing medicine at the government institution with such negligence and crude incompetence never enter the practice of medicine ever again.”

Just days prior to the birth of young Jordan, friends and colleagues of Lateria hosted her to a smashing baby shower. The joy of that day not reveal, however, the tragedy ahead. One month following the birth of the bundle of joy, their friend would not be with them anymore.

On Lateria’s Facebook wall a friend by the name JJ Scriven wrote:

“RIP Teria: I was not so taken aback as when getting ready to work at Junkanoo, someone greeted me with ‘hey u no Lateria died.’ I was blown away for a few minutes. I went blank. I had to get my composure in order to function in the capacity as I had set out to do.

“A beautiful young woman taken way to soon. Teria lived, loved and enjoyed her life. She always made others happy just being in their presence. A real gem in a person. It was my pleasure to have known her.”

Lateria died December 20th , just five days before Christmas. No statement has come on her passing by hospital officials. Friends and family celebrated the life of the deceased woman on Jan. 2nd in a final Home Going service.


Lateria laid to rest on Sunday past. May She rest in Peace. Here is another story which will never make the DUTTY WUTLESS MEDIA!


  1. As a close family member, I wish to thank everyone for their prayers and concern. Litheria grew up in our home as a baby, we kept her for my aunt from Monday to Friday when she was only weeks old. I gave you dis background history so yall could know dat I am a close relative. I just got home from Teri’s funeral, after flying for 17 hours,trying to recover from the grief and shock of her death. If this story is true, I’LL BE BACK TO INVESTIGATE! I am respectfully requesting that the authorities at PMH where I worked for 20 years,and Dr Huhert Minnis, Minister of Heath perform due diligence in conducting the appropriate investigation into the alledged statements being made by the people of The Bahamas. I also wish to ask the public to respectfully allow us time to grieve. To Ms Jennings you were indeed a close friend of Litheria and we thank you for all your support, but we the immediate family members ask that you refrain from further comments in this matter and stick to the part that you performed “AS I KNEW HER” so that you do not influence the outcome of the matter of discussion. This is now a matter between the family and the authorities.
    Cousin Bren.

    • BP, boy you are something else. I am sure this is your posting in the guise of being a family member, asking the offended person to just shut up. And since when is BP the voice of the Bahamian people; at most points BP is the voice of BP and everything that is said on this site (while very entertaining), should be taken with a lightheartedly.

    • BP, boy you are something else. I am sure this is your posting in the guise of being a family member, asking the offended person to just shut up. And since when is BP the voice of the Bahamian people; at most points BP is the voice of BP and everything that is said on this site (while very entertaining), should be taken lightheartedly not as gospel.

  2. THE RITCHIE FAMILY HAS ALOT TO DEAL WIT AT THIS TIME CONSIDERING THEY HAVE JUS LOST A GEM..AND NOW HAVIN TO DEAL WITH DIS INCORRETC INFORMATION IS MORE HORRIBLE THAN EVA..LATERIA HAD AN EXCELLENT PREGNANCY AND BIRTH IT WAS NOT UNTIL DAYS AFTER CUMIN OUT THE PMH SHE FELL ILL…THE FAMILY HOLDS NO-ONE AND I REPEAT NO-ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR HER DEATH, IF THEY DID ACTIONS WOULD HAVE BEEN IN EFFECT LONG TIME…LATERIA DIED FROM Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) THIS is a form of dilated cardiomyopathy that is defined as deterioration… in cardiac function presenting typically between …the last month of pregnancy and up to five months postpartum. As with other forms of dilated cardiomyopathy, PPCM involves systolic dysfunction of the heart with a decrease of the left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) with associated congestive heart failure and an increased risk of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, thromboembolism (blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot), and even sudden cardiac death. In essence, the heart muscle cannot contract forcefully enough to pump adequate amounts of blood for the needs of the body’s vital organs……THE FAMILY WISHES FA U TO PLZ LET TERRI R.I.P …BE CONSIDERATE HAVE A HEART

    • As a close family member, I wish to thank everyone for their prayers and concern. Litheria grew up in our home as a baby, we kept her for my aunt from Monday to Friday when she was only weeks old. I gave you dis background history so yall could know dat I am a close relative. I just got home from Teri’s funeral, after flying for 17 hours,trying to recover from the grief and shock of her death. If this story is true, I’LL BE BACK TO INVESTIGATE! I am respectfully requesting that the authorities at PMH where I worked for 20 years,and Dr Huhert Minnis, Minister of Heath perform due diligence in conducting the appropriate investigation into the alledged statements being made by the people of The Bahamas. I also wish to ask the public to respectfully allow us time to grieve. To Ms Jennings you were indeed a close friend of Litheria and we thank you for all your support, but we the immediate family members ask that you refrain from further comments in this matter and stick to the part that you performed “AS I KNEW HER” so that you do not influence the outcome of the matter of discussion. This is now a matter between the family and the authorities.
      Cousin Bren.

  3. As any good journalist know, you should get facts first before you publish anything. It is obvious that you are or will you ever be a good journalist. You have stirred up alot of pain that was not called for……GET THE FACTS FIRST

    • Who tell you we don’t have the facts already? PLease note carefully, they say she didn’t die from what we point out here, but not a sole not the PMH, one Doctor one family member saying what she died from.

      BP stands by its published article.


      • What is postpartum cardiomyopathy?
        A woman with postpartum cardiomyopathy develops heart failure during the last month of pregnancy or within 5 months after delivery. Postpartum cardiomyopathy is a rare condition that occurs in about 1 out of 2,500 pregnant women. The cause of postpartum cardiomyopathy is unknown.

        What are the symptoms of postpartum cardiomyopathy?
        Symptoms of postpartum cardiomyopathy may include cough, palpitations, fatigue, leg swelling, and difficulty breathing that occurs during exertion or while lying flat.

        How does the doctor treat postpartum cardiomyopathy?
        Treatment for postpartum cardiomyopathy may include medications, restricting the amount of liquids in the diet, a low salt diet, and elastic support stockings

  4. Not suprise by this actually, sadden though. This is only one of thousands of stories were neglience played a factor. Quite frankly, nothing will change until Bahamians get fed up and hold government and pha responsible. So until we get past the political wrangling expect more deaths. In the states, there would have been an uproar over such nonesense, but over here people prefer to spit hatred towards eachother because they feel as if we are attacking “their government”. NO matter who is in power this stupidness should have never happen!

  5. Media, if you got this wrong, please say so and apologise. No love lost. Now for the other guy, newsman, how anyone died that you do not know, is not your business, or mine. Think of the grieving family, please…

  6. BP, firstly let me say that yes, you guy’s are the first to confirm many stories. However, the facts on this story is not correct. If you had a copy of Lateria Lavette Ritchie obituary it stated excatly what was the cause of her death. I am sure if what you are stating as the reason why Lateria is not here today with her newborn, family and friends who cared for her deeply, they would not be covering up any negligence caused by PMH. The Ritchie family would have been the first to bring this to the public attention. Please let’s be mindful of this family loss and use Lateria’s death to educate many pregant women about postpartum cardiomyopathy.

    May Her Soul Rest In Peace.

  7. Wow Bp. Either your fact checker needs to be fired, or you missed how sensitive this story would be to your readers. And where is the wiki leaks dirt?

  8. my goodness this lady lost her life…to her family im sorry for your lost….sue the hospital they too slack…..but we as bahamians need to be loving again and respect others…not blastin out each other…

  9. You have no respect for anyone or anything, Jennings as you referred her to stated that YOU do not know the FACTS surrounding her illness…and no one said anything about an obituary, you stole Jennings shower picture, and the graveside photo. How would you like it if it was one of your love ones. It’s quite obvious that YOU need to get a life…and grow up…say what you want but you Know what YOU DON’T MATTER, NEVER HAD, NEVER WILL!!!

  10. it seems like every story i read that yall report on is incorrect tho…what up with that?? what a shame people depending on the truth man come on

    • Yes every story you have read Ms. Hall is incorrect, including the one where we were the first to confirm Malcom Adderley would resign from the PLP and the Parliament. The one with Clico about to collapse. The one with Jerome Sawyer being kicked off ZNS as anchor. And all the details surrounding the ZNS terminations. We have been told those and many more are all LIES. What is good though is that you continue to read every one.



  11. This is a two fold but serious matter firstly we must all walk cautiously with regards to the affect this will have on the young ladies family. Personal matters like this we do not like to play out in the eyes of the public but the reality is the next side. I do not even pretend to fully understand the medical field to make this statement with authority but anytime a person loses their life under these circumstances the matter needs to be properly investigated. There has been too many horror stories related to questionable practices at PMH. If these deaths can be avoided by BP asking these questions then I am all for it because some day it may be my wife, sister, mother, friend or fellow Bahamian dealing with these same practices be they good or bad. To the family and friends of the young lady may goods mercy and kindness cushion this blow in your time of bereavement.

    • Concerned, thank you very much for your words of comfort. The gross inaccuracies in this story has indeed inflicted even more pain on the family and friends of Lateria. It is like taking a knife that is already in a person and turning it even harder. The family does NOT blame PMH for anything as these are NOT the circumstances under which Lateria passed. It is sad that some people are so cold and heartless and unsympathetic toward others. But like the bible says in the last days “the Love of many will wax cold” and the persons of BP have fulfilled this prophecy!!

      • Grow up and stop quoting fairy tales. The bible says everything and nothing at all. It says whatever the reader wants. Quote facts not fairy tales. Now all of you refuting BP can you state the facts to make yorr point?

        • They can’t refute what we are reporting FOCUS. Just like the story when we reported that Missouri Peters-Sherman had resigned from her post as PS in the Ministry of National Security. When since you ever heard a PS resign their job in the Bahamas? And to this very day not a DAMN word has been spoken about the incident by the government. ONE A WORD! MUMS THE WORD!!!

          And they came on BP denying the story. Telling us STOP TELLING LIES. Where is Missouri Peters-Sherman?


  12. wow bp ya done did it again……………..u suk …u lie soo much u dnt even knw the truth.this story is allllllies i say lies wow i doint know why it shocks me of the depth of lowness you will stoop.what a shame.

  13. This is not just BP alone, it is also the PLP machinery they will stop at no attempt to try bring down this government they have no shame.

    Using the death of a young Bahamian in a political witch hunt. The PLP and BP must be condemn. Sad day as we start 2011 for the Bahamas.

    • Bahamas Press is attempting to bring down the FNM Government? We don’t need to bring them down they are doing a DAMN good job by doing that themselves. And on the point of the PLP, when we cutting Christie BACKSIDE where you does be?

      SOME A YINNER GAT NO DAMN SHAME!!! People dying and you want hide in ya political jumpsuit. Well get this, WE COMING FOR YA!


  14. As a very close friend of Lateria that was with her during her pregnancy, birth, illness and unfortunate death, I am deeply sadden and hurt by this story. The reasons and circumstances leading up to her death are reported in this story is NOT CORRECT. Had you done proper research into this matter you would have discovered this. While you were stealing pictures from my profile page you should have also taken the time to read her obituary or other notes about her illness. This controversary the press is attempting to stir up is not the way in which we want to remember our love one, she was a person of love, peace and joy. We pray that her soul does rest in peace.

    • STEALING? When did BP STEAL something? When did an Obituary become the property of someone? wasn’t that made public? Get a life Jennings!


    • And we don’t care if you was a FAR FRIEND, talk bout close. WE REPORT YINNER DECIDE!


  15. i will miss u its so hard to lost u an my sis all in one but i knw u two are lookin down at us smiling love u guys an my your all soul rest in peace

  16. OMG when did she die I know here we went to school together dread she was really nice and so full of life this is so sad to hear I hope her family get justice for this. May her soul rest in peace.

    • I do hope the family gets justice. In 2000 I lost an 8lb baby because of negligence at PMH. I got no justice. I still live with the pain of losing my healthy baby, because they had me in labour for 12hours, and used a dull scissors, then after finding they made a boo boo, 6 of the doctor and her assistance held me and pressed on my stomach to get the baby out. Crushing her liver and what ever else. They had her hooked up to machines for three days, until finally she gave up. Something needs to be done they get away with murder there. Too much!

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