Did Bahamas Christian Council Approve the Conference of Bishop Long at Atlantis?


Will Eddie Long come to the Bahamas to Preach to Bahamians today? How come the church is so silent on dat and want raise ‘dey’ dress on Gambling? What is THIS?

Eddie Long's Conference starts in Atlantis today. Do you think the WUTLESS MEDIA would try get an interview and show the Bahamian people all the Bahamian pastors sitting at the event?

Nassau, Bahamas — Despite being accused of having inappropriate sexual relationships with multiple young men, Bishop Eddie Long and his flock of worshipers are moving full speed ahead with their Spirit & Truth Conference in The Bahamas. One of Long’s victims isn’t too pleased about it and is doing what he can to stop it.

Eddie Long’s former lover Centino Kemp slammed Bishop Eddie Long and his church for having their annual church function in the Bahamas.

Kemp was born and raised on the isle and wonders how Long was allowed to even have a Christian function in the Caribbean due to his tawdry past.

Centino Kemp took to twitter to vent his frustrations with the situation, saying, “How the hell that man feel he can have a SPIRIT & TRUTH CONFERENCE 2012 in the Bahamas you really got f**king balls.”

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Kemp was one of the five men Bishop Eddie Long paid off to keep quiet about their homosexual actions with Bishop Long.

Kemp went back to the Bahamas to get away from Bishop Long and is taking Long’s church conference taking place on the island as disrespectful.

One church member in the Bahamas ask, “Do you think Centino Kemp has a right to be mad”?

We still wait on a word from the Christian Council. And while they getting them fineeeeee suits all press up for the country, all they want talk about is Gambling! What rank hypocrisy!

All we at BP Say is this: If ya don’t laugh you will cry! And if you is christian go pray!