Is FNM Chairman Michael Pintard in possession of his license to do inquiry in the Bahamas?


Form Title:
Act as Inquiry Agent/Security Guard Licence

No person shall act as an inquiry agent or security guard unless the person is a Bahamian and the holder of a licence. The Ministry of National Security issues licences to individuals to be self-employed as security guards and or inquiry agents.

# Must be 18 years and older
# Applicant Must be a Bahamian Citizen
# Must pay the required fee

The following documents are required when requesting a licence:

# Completed Form 2 – Application to Act as an Inquiry Agent/Security Guard.
# Current original police certificate.
# Bahamian Passport.
# Two passport size photographs

1. Complete the form, “Application to Act as an Inquiry Agent/Security Guard”
2. Submit the completed application with all relevant documents and fee to

Permanent Secretary
Ministry of National Security
P. O. Box N-3217
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas

Attention: Private Sector Security Services Unit

or by Hand to:

Permanent Secretary
Ministry of National Security
3rd Floor, Churchill Building
Rawson Square
Nassau, N. P.
The Bahamas
3. A temporary licence may be issued to a person for a period stated in the licence, but not more than three months, while awaiting the decision to grant the licence.
4. The applicant will be contacted by telephone or e-mail to collect the temporary licence within ten business days of receipt of application.
5. The applicant may be vetted by the Police regarding character and finances before the Licence is granted.

Temporary Licence Fee – BS$10 (every three months)
Annual Licence Fee – BS$10

# All payment by cheque must be certified and made payable to the Public Treasury or The Ministry of National Security.
# Other forms of acceptable payment are Cash or Money Order.
# Cash payment should be made to the Public Treasury, and receipt submitted to the Ministry of National Security.
# Fees are to accompany Application Form with relevant documents.

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