DNA candidate Rodney Moncur calls for the resignation of URCA’s Chairman


Prime Minister Christie must fire Dorsett Moncur says

DNA leader Branville McCartney and Rodney Moncur at the DNA's Grill and Chill last year.

Statement by Mr. Moncur

I am calling on the Government to do the right thing and revoke the appointment of Randol Dorsett as Chairman of URCA. He is conflicted out beyond the scope and magnitude of any spin doctoring or political posturing of the administration.

100 years from today Bahamians will ask how it is that at 40 years as an Independent Country an Attorney for business affected by URCA could be given the chairmanship of the regulatory body that governs such operations.

Randol M. Dorsett - Embattled Chairman of URCA

Indeed Prime Minister Christie went to Court to have certain Senators appointed by the former FNM Government revoked as “Independent Senators” in 2007 for similar reasons that these persons were conflicted out and their Independence was a sham.

How in 2012 the Prime Minister can assume that an intelligent electorate will not connect the dots between Mr. Dorsett’s appointments is beyond the scope of human understanding.

Mr. Dorsett’s assine assertions that he has since quit as the lawyer of record for Cable Bahamas and has passed the Cable Bahamas client case to another lawyer in the law firm of which he is a partner is in and of itself sufficient to demand his immediate resignation.

To say that he will recuse himself from matters where he is conflicted out is a further disservice to the Bahamian people as we want a URCA that is accountable, transparent and like Caesar’s wife above suspicion.

To leave the decisions that URCA must take to a board as small as URCA; and then for it to be “chair less” because Mr. Dorsett admits he will recuse himself on certain issues, is recklessly irresponsible.

The Prime Minister must demonstrate that he is in charge and he is not pandering to the special interests of certain law firms which he has been in the news media as crediting with introducing him to certain wealthy foreign clients when he was in private law practice.

The Bahamas is bigger than the special interests and lobbyists that will be served if Mr. Dorsett continues in this position.

The Prime Minister must do the right thing. Now!

Bahamians have already begun to wonder aloud as to how a Government can so blatantly disrespect our common sense as manifest in this appointment.

It is unbelievable. Incredible. Unthinkable.

Rodney Moncur