DNA Celebrates Party Birth two years ago


Statement by DNA Leader Branville McCartney

As we in the Democratic National Alliance celebrate our second year in existence, we take this opportunity to thank the Almighty. Indeed, we are most thankful to live in a Democracy where there is freedom of assembly and association enshrined in our constitution which allows for the formation of political parties. Contrary to some political obser vers, the constitution of this great Commonwealth does not mandate that the only political parties that are permissible in the Bahamas are the PLP and FNM.

Two years ago the DNA was formed with the vision to transform the Commonwealth of the Bahamas into a nation where Bahamian people will be esteemed as the most precious resource – above all natural and material resources and the nurturing of our intellectual and creative brilliance will help us become a genuinely democratic, economically prosperous and socially mobile 21st century nation.

Our mission continues and that is to ensure that the needs and aspirations of Bahamian people – to be the true owners in the political, cultural and economic development of the nation – are met. The DNA is devoted to upholding, protecting and deepening the democratic Rule of Law in society by promoting openness and accountability in governmental affairs, social justice and equality, and the right of the people to self-governance and authority in determining their own destiny.

Although not “successful” at the polls in the 2012 general elections, the DNA made political history in the Bahamas. Our party fielded a full slate of candidates and garnered 13% of the votes…all within 11 months of its formation. This is an incredible achievement…something no other political party in the history of the Bahamas has accomplished.

As the leader of this history making party, I thank all of the former candidates who stood up. These Agents of Change showed courage. To all of the executives and members of the DNA, I thank you for your continued dedication, hard work and determination to see a better Bahamas. Needless to say, to all of our supporters, our place in Bahamian political history would not have been possible without you. On behalf of the DNA I thank each and every one of you.

As our journey to fulfill our vision continues, we will build on what was started two years ago. We will be guided by the Lighthouse. Like the Lighthouse, the DNA will transform the economical, social and political environment of the country and we will embrace change; positive change where all Bahamians will be guided by the light of our vision and we as people will not be led astray.

May God Bless the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

Branville McCartney
Democratic National Alliance
May 13, 2013