DNA is ready to drive Bahamians into a worse state than Jamaica!


Jamaican national advises DNA PARTY Chris Mortimer confirm to Guardian Radio! Why yinner think these people don’t believe in Bahamians?!

A mother in the Exchange District near Ocho Rios Jamaica with no portable water or sanitary conveniences.
A mother in the Exchange District near Ocho Rios Jamaica with no portable water or sanitary conveniences.

Ocho Rios, Jamaica – Look at this photo above and ask yourselves: Could this be the state of the average Bahamian after the DNA is finished managing the country? This is no joke and here’s why!

The Deputy Leader of the DNA, Chris Mortimer, told a Guardian Radio host on Monday that his Party when it comes to power shall bring real local government to the Bahamas. Sounds good hey?

Mortimer told the radio audience that his organization recently invited a Jamaican national, who had advised the Jamaican Government on how to set up real Local Government in that Caribbean island nation. He said: I forget what the gentleman’s name is right now but he advised my party on the way forward to set up local government in the Bahamas.

In the heads of both Branville and Mortimer they believe such a venture is working fine in Jamaica. But if you ask the woman in the picture above if she thinks local government had repaired the decay of the country she would tell you – not so.

Like BP she would perhaps remind you that the Jamaican currency has since declined after the introduction to Local Government to JMD/USD = $116.31835 [that to $1 USD]. With an economy in paralysis, just how Hubert Ingraham almost left the Bahamian economy in 2012 with negative growth, double digit unemployment and no direct investment!

The DNA leaders should also note how Jamaica’s economic growth rate in the recent past has been stagnant, averaging less than 1% per year for over 20 years! Boy das some progress eh? Here is a country with a heavy reliance on remittances to support its GDP, yet, the men in GREEN is taking advise from persons who delivered an entire nation into the depths of the economic abyss dumped onto a tough pavement like the paralytic man at the pool waiting for a miracle!

One former politician once told BP, “How far deep into the bush yinner think some of these dense politico wannabes want take us?”

We report yinner decide!