Sammie Starr abandons South Beach as he cites it is impossible to win
Nassau, Bahamas — Sammie ‘Star’ Poitier, the DNA candidate for South Beach, is now a married man, but before he could finish the honeymoon, a political nuclear bomb has been set off in the DNA!
Bahamas Press has learnt the musical artist, who was a recipient of the FNM’s small business self-starter grant, has returned to the Free National Movement and has divorced the breakaway FNM [DNA].
The scandalous news confirms pressure burst pipe and that the DNA is not only hemorrhaging, but has lost support from the youth.
In an official communication to the residents of South Beach, Poitier wrote the following on his Facebook page:
Over the last few days there has been some speculation in regards to my candidacy. I, Sammie “Starr” Poitier am no longer the Democratic National Alliance’s Candidate for the South Beach Constituency, as of Wednesday November 23rd, 2011. To the great people of South Beach, I will continue to work within this community, “MY COMMUNITY”. I thank you for allowing me into your homes and into your hearts. We have already begun working together! We will continue to work on building our community centre and developing other programmes that will strengthen our community. Thank you for your love and support!
Sammie “Starr” Poitier.
So what forced Poitier to run away from the DNA? Well, we believe several things were motivated his decision. BP was about to reveal an incident going back to the Temple Christian School. That story we would leave at this time seeing that Poitier has left the political scene.
We also understand resources and financial support promised to the candidate in the DNA was not forthcoming, therefore, the issue of funding played a significant role in his decision.
Bahamas Press has also learnt that the overwhelming support collected by PLP candidate, Cleola Hamilton, has indeed left little support for the FNM and DNA to fight over. BP understands the wide support coming to Hamilton, BP’s endorsed candidate in South Beach, has resulted in a massive show of support for the unionist, who has fought for the rights of nurses and public servants across the country.
A DNA officer told Bahamas Press, “Not only are we losing support from young people, but Bahamians are fast becoming disillusioned with obvious association with the Free National Movement. We have loaded the Party with scores of angry FNMs, whom have taken key positions within the leadership of the DNA. That said, there is no way we can win. A vote for the DNA is a vote for the FNM and seeing the state of the nation today, that is a big problem for us.”
Unannounced in the media was also the resignation of DNA candidate for High Rock, Philip Thomas. The businessman was named at the DNA’s Party launch on Grand Bahama, however, to this day nothing about his resignation from the party has been reported by the WUTLESS MEDIA.
Sammie “Starr” Poitier will no longer run for the DNA. He has left the party to return back home to the FNM.
The “appeal” of an alternative party to the PLP and FNM is driven by a sober desire to HAVE THE PEOPLE ACCOMPLISH MORE. For far too long WE have elected representatives who abandon OUR INTEREST. Both (PLP and FNM) were minded to sell BTC, a fact that is lost on “die hards”. This alone is as compelling a reason as any to cause pause, review and sober assessment in the minds of those who are willing to be objective in their political considerations, and those who opt to digest facts rather than “spin” and party talking points. There is nothing known now, in terms of the economic advantages for the ordinary Bahamian (complete with business avenues and opportunities that extend beyond these shores) that wasn’t THE SAME FACT AND KNOWN TO ALL LOCAL POLITICIANS THEN. What changed? WE (the every Bahamian person) came to know, thanks to the efforts of other ordinary Bahamians. Afterwards, and only because the fog of ignorance lifted (from over the minds of ordinary folks) did these “jivers” come along (PLP MPs). That is the record. That is the hard, irrefutable FACT.
It isn’t that Branville (DNA) is THAT change agent. Many who declare suppport for the DNA are using the upcoming election to signal to those who will come AFTER Branville that WE (Bahamians) are finally serious about turning the corner (instead of walking in circles with these two exhausted leaders). Many (who possess knowledge, experience and the capacity to respond to the challenges of this country) stand on the side lines because WE (voters) have proven that our own overall best interest is not the driving force behind our decisions during elections. The election of this Ingraham led FNM government proves this to the world.
It’s too early in the game for the DNA to have all this drama. I don’t have anything against Bran or the DNA party right, it just that I had expected more from them. Right now, I feel like they running that party like a d*mn circus and I can’t see me taking them serious at this point. First it was the story about the cross dresser, then the leader had that petty argument with Edison Key, now this thing with Sammi resigning from the party, they aint get in power yet and they creating all this drama. So you could imagine the way they are going to act if they ever gain control of the government. I was really hoping for some thing different, but they are no different from the other parties. I wonder what Sammi did at Faith Temple until he feel he can’t run any more, what is he hiding? If he knew he had skeletons, why put himself out there in the first place? I thought Sammi would have been good person to have in parliament to give the young people a voice. He had a lot of support in South Beach, I talk with some young people on the ground in the area and all of them told me, they were supporting him. This is a big let down, I could tell you. Maybe, Sammi realized he didn’t have what it take to represent the good people of South Beach. If that’s the case, I respect him for being honest with himself and coming to the realization that he wasn’t the right man for job and stepping down. Better for him to disappoint us now, instead of waiting until it’s too late, I wish all politicians would do that. I just hope it wasn’t Bran who pissed him off, he might be biggety and controlling just like his old leader, that’s probably why they didn’t go two steps. Don‘t mind that pretty boy face.
Why is the journalism so biased anti FNM anti DNA pro PLP; should be named Bahamas Propaganda not Press
This article is offensive to any literate person. Not only is it PLP-biased, the opinions that fly from line to line is unsupported. REAL journalism would be objective. Mr. Poitier NEVER confirmed who he supports at this time. And the DNA has not lost the youth votes. As a matter of fact, although I am undecided, as a young professional, about 40% of my peers noted they would support the DNA, 10% PLP and 30% FNM. Just like in the 2007 elections, the PLPs need to stop talking bad about the FNM and say what they intend to do. ALL TALK, NO ACTION. I’d much rather another 5 yrs under the FMN regime if this kind of ignorance continues…..
Sammie without the star, you wasn’t gone make it into the house no way.LOL, they only use you as a promotional tool for the young folk. What ever salary they promise, you don’t have the education to back….lol seat ya ass down..oh an stay off that mic, it’s a difference between playing the blues and having the blues! #thinkaboutit!!
leave sammy even he kn dat da grass aint dat green specially if it’s over da hill , bp u 100% on top of wats gose on in dis bahamas keep up da gud report
Anyone vote FNM-DNA has to be a sucker for bad treatment!! am not saying the PLP is da perfect party but at least we will put first, have jobs, and cut crime.
Anyone vote FNM-DNA has to be a sucker for bad treatment!!
Kim, what “it” happened at Faith Temple? Let us know.
What gone down at Faith Temple? Sounds like something sexual!!! This is scandalous indeed! Let the young man breathe though, he just tied the knot. Beautiful wife, beautiful kid, beautiful dog that’s all that matters. We all have lil bit of skeletons in the closet but that’s just life. Paul/Saul killed hundreds of thousands in the Bible days and God changed him. Let the young man live.
Interesting article, but it seems like BP didn’t just report – yinner decided.
Even the dog tipping over the garbage on the side of the road could see singer-boy Sammy was not a true member and loyal soldier of the DNA.
Its obvious the this fella didn’t have or possess the grit and determination to take South Beach because he was too busy being a Bahamian idol and luva-boy.
I would even venture to say that he used the green-limelight to further his singing career; now when its crunch time and the ball is on the 10 yard line, he haul azz over the nearest fence, or crawl-azz cus ya know he only 4′ 2″.
The hobbits would be very ashamed of him, ‘Da Precious’.
It was at Faith Temple.Let the “people” know what really happened.He’s in the public eye. He probably realized that the truth was about to come out.
It happened at Faith Temple and I believe that the “people” need to know what went down a few years back.He’s in the public eye and people looking up to him.He probably got a reality check and realized that the truth was about to come out.He has to live with that for the rest of his life.Own up to what you do man.
BP let them no what went down.
Bunch of flip floppers all of them. Whoever believes FNM, DNA, PLP, or La La La and Dee Dee Dee, or anyone is some saviour, is crazy. These people don’t care about us. Everyone gets into politics for 1 reason ONLY: MONEY, BENJAMINS, CHEDDAR. You don’t have to be a genius to figure that out. Stop voting for these clowns people! Elect no one! As soon as they get in you won’t see or hear them again.
I thought Lincoln “Charlatan” Bain said he was supposed to make this Sammie “Star” a star??? Laughable.
BP yall can really run out. If I didn’t manage Sammie’s campaign yall would have gotten me.
BP yall can spin things. IF I didn’t manage Mr. Poitier’s campaign yall would have gotten me.
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