DNA seeks to block all children born to foreign parents from applying for citizenship…Party divided on issue


Now what is wrong with this PICTURE? The FNM Thursday Cabinet greeting the DNA? Former FNM general now DNA candidate for South Abaco Roscoe Thompson along with Grandfather Sir Duward Knowles and Sir Orville Turnquest agrees with FNM position to grant land to squatters.

Nassau, Bahamas — Leader of the Democratic National Alliance, Branville McCartney, is once again speaking with a forked tongue just like his political mentor, Hubert Ingraham.

McCartney told the press if he was elected Prime Minister, his administration would propose that the constitution be changed to block any child born to an immigrant from ever being able to apply of citizenship.

In a special interview with the Nassau Guardian published July 25th, McCartney said, “We have a law now that provides that illegals can come over to The Bahamas, have children and then those children can apply for citizenship.

“We can’t afford to continue doing that in this country,”

Grabbing more headlines once again this morning following his Town Meeting last evening at the BPCOU Hall, McCartney and his slate of candidates were just listening again as he reiterated his Party’s position with children born to foreign parentage.

When it was time to put suggestions to the panel, which was not answering questions last night, DNA candidate for South Abaco, Roscoe Thompson III broke ranks with his Party on the issue, and proposed a similar suggestion presently practiced by the FNM.

Thompson assured the town meeting his position on the matter was no different from that of the Free National Movement government; now being presented in Mackey Yard.

He told persons attending the town meeting, a DNA government should regularize Bahamians and grant land to squatters on land; create a subdivision with tax dollars for the current squatters in the Mud and Pigeon Pea communities.

He pointed to the fact that in Abaco, Bahamians are already outnumbered 2 to 1 to those residing on the island, and that the most sensible way to deal with the immigration situation was the current proposal by the FNM.

Last month the FNM government began the regularizing of Haitian national in the Mackey Yard community, which was destroyed by fire on December 26th. A town meeting to present the government’s intention was called and sparked anger among thousands of Bahamians, who applied for housing but have been denied the opportunity.

Some 13,000 Bahamians are on the waiting list for a home at the department of housing.


  1. Here comes another Brent Symonnette … “Save the Haitians”.
    Give them our Bahamian land.

    DNA I suggest you reconsider your position and filter some of your “Humanitarian” efforts to the Education system! Which would ALSO require your to RID of the Haitian invasion!

  2. Christian nation … Humanitarian … call it what you like but at the end of the day Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong. It is wrong for an illegal immigrant to be given exceptions due to their countries state. That is not The Bahamas’ or the Bahamian people’s problem. Christian OR humanitarian would REACH OUT and help them where need be NOT horde illegal immigrants and call it a “good deed”.

    We have to start somewhere! Will it be fair to everyone? No but guess what; Life isn’t fair. Get rid of them because believe they will rid of us Bahamians. They come from a mob mentality and they live as such.

    Quote from a Haitian child (Grade:5, age 10/11):
    “My mommy told me we came here to take over. The Haitian’s have the power because the Bahamians gave it to us.” Disgraceful.

    Every year in Abaco there is a Haitian Flag Day. Really? Are we Bahamians (especially our government) so ignorant that we allow another country to show defeat by raising their flag on our soil? We are and so much so that we Boast about it in our local newspaper!

    Who’s being Mr. Nice here? The Haitians are only biding their time before they take over. We Bahamians are the unfortunate, fools that are allowing their country to be taken away from us!

    How is it we can admit that on the island of Abaco Bahamians are out-numbered 2-1 by Haitians and yet still vote “Humanitarian”? Look at the Abaconian newspaper. Almost ALL the crimes committed are by residents of “The Mudd” and “Pigeon Peas”.

    And we must be “Humanitarian” about this situation?! Ridiculous.

  3. After Immaculée Ilibagiza CAME TO THE BAHAMAS and, shares her miraculous story of how she survived during the Rwanda genocide in 1994 when she and seven other women huddled silently together in the cramped bathroom of a local pastor’s house for 91 days!

    I believe it was a warning for our nation, I see a duplication of the Rwanda event taking place in this country if a natural disaster don’t help your destiny.

    Many people think God is the number man or Santa Claus.
    But one day! we all will find out, that God can use us, BUT HE DON”T NEED US!

  4. Hubert Ingraham is a Bahamian just like everyone else you bastard. At BKC, the name Paul is a Haitian name. I know. My thing is, there are people here who understand both sides of the argument. I AM OF HAITIAN DECENT and could care less who has issue with that. I am not thirty but i own two pieces of property, a triplex and a cottage with the mortgage to prove it. I work hard and produce well for this country i love. At the same time, i know what my parents went through to get here so that I can be something. I cannot take a stand on this issue because of my bias but I know Branville cannot succeed the way he is thinking. Protect the borders, limit the influx, and product models citizens from those that remain. Simple. P.S. The kids who do not speak english….or course they were not born here. So don’t be dumb. No one born in the Bahamas growing up here will have a Haitian accent.

    • @Rebut
      “The kids who do not speak english….or course they were not born here. So don’t be dumb. No one born in the Bahamas growing up here will have a Haitian accent”.Thanks for the candid contribution.

    • I guess you are hopping mad at some people because they are voicing their opinions. Well let me ask you this. Are the people of Haiti privileged to voice their opposition without being gunned down by some mob? The political regimes in Haiti have for decades fanned the flames of unrest a mob like mentality. It suited their political purposes for Papa Doc straight down the line.I don’t think anyone here is suggesting that you not be proud of your heritage. The issue is where do your loyalties lie. Either your Bahamian or Haitian. You cannot be both. Otherwise our system of governance is severely compromised by those who wish to hold a special place in their hearts for foreign nationals. This not only applies to Haitians but to other nationals as well. We cannot have our system of governance and order undermined by those who come here illegally and expect to play on our emotions.
      P.S.The amount of assets you possess is irrelevant and it would be wise for you to keep private business private. That is exactly the issue with Haitians now. They are too bold and like to boast about what they have and achieved here in this country. True you may have worked hard and we applaud you but stop beating your gum about it. Your boastfulness only adds fuel to the fire. Furthermore everyone gets on this thing about being a Christian nation. There is nothing unchristian about protecting your borders.

      • Not mad at anyones opinion. And not boasting either. Its your country. Just saying that if the environment is good it will produce good products of society. Looks like you the one who mad. I tired hearing people can’t make it in the Bahamas and blaming the Government. The Bahamas has many beautiful and ready for prosperity islands. Nassau is not everything. Do it for yourself and stop looking for a silver spoon. That is just how we got here!

        • As you may have noticed. My comments address not only Haitian nationals, but all foreign nationals. A simple response to your rhetoric which apparently is not all too apparent to you. I will repeat we applaud your initiative and zeal for success and I agree that people need to do more in this country to better themselves. Still, we must recognize that we have an illegal immigrant problem that is pervasive in every aspect of our country. It must stop. No apologies.

  5. Everyone is trying to be so politically correct these days. Look, I have no issue with Haitians, but I cannot support their illegal entry into this country. This guilt trip about being a Christian nation is not playing with me. Send them back. Say what you like about me or Bahamians being hypocrites, but Haitians are taking advantage and we need to nip this in the bud.

  6. Obama turned 50 today and had to show his proof of birth in the United States. The Bahamian people now demand Hubert Alexander to produce that valid birth certificate and make it public.Who are your real parents and what is your heritage because you definitely too cold hearted to be a real Bahamian.

  7. What does the PLP proposes to do if elected to power in 2012? No party in this country is going to win at the polls without the vote of the Hatian/Bahamian block.Moreover,I believe that it is evil to send a person who has lived here all their life to a land they know absolutely nothing about.The DNA will not win an election taking such a risky and unconscionable posture.I have yet to hear what the PLP plans to do with this vexing issue.I think the Haitians who were born here should be regularised.They are a part of us now.Period.

  8. Xenophobia anyone???? Did this so called Paul???? enter into this country illegally? You guys are full of BS. Is Pindling an original Bahamian name???

    • What is the point you are making? Pindling, like many other may not have been an Original Bahamian name and if you go back far enough most of the so called “Bahamian names” will drop of that list. The Pindlings did not sneek into this country nor did they entered illegally. As a matter of fact, all Bahamian residents who lived here prior to 1973 had the right to become citizen of this country. Your issue should be with those persons who ILLEGALLY entered The Bahamas since we became an independent nation. Not just throwing rocks in the crowd….

  9. it funny how every year at least 50-100 Bahamians go to florida and have their children illigaly yes hats right illigaly because if there children were not give citizenship as a birth right these people would have there children at home.and it is the rich and poor doing this,and in the same breth the have a problem with thhe Hatian nationals ,Jamacian and who ever else.where as i do not condone this practice Bahimans only see things wrong when they are not the ones doing it.we as a country need to put policys and guide lines in place as to how one obtain there citizneship and take it out of the hands of our leaders.

    • Lets not mix apples and oranges, these Bahamian/American children are brought back to the Bahamas and attend Bahamian schools and receive Bahamian health care. They do not clog the school or health care system in the U.S.
      As a matter of fact I know some of them who have never left this country and are now employed in the Police Force, are teachers nurses and so forth in the BAHAMAS. They are not stateless and proudly embrace their Bahamian status.

  10. In most countries in the world – Canada, UK, Switzerland, Philippines – at least one parent must be a citizen of that country to pass on citizenship to their child. That should be our approach and that would end this madness. If my husband and I have a child in Canada or the UK – that child isn’t Canadian or British – that child is BAHAMIAN. So, let’s just take that approach. If we continue to send out mixed signals, the infestation will continue. They are EVERYWHERE and it’s sickening. If 80% of Adelaide primary school is Haitian and can’t speak English, that means there are 10 less teachers available to teach Bahamian children and thousands more they are prepared to spend to make sure Haitian children learn English! Look, English is the language in the Bahamas. Everyone starting primary school should 1. be potty trained and 2. be fluent in English. This is not Haiti. We speak English and our teachers should expect children starting school in the Bahamas to be able to speak English before they can attend school. Sorry, BP but the DNA is on the right track. It’s not their problem that Perry is MIA on this crucial debate.

    • “In most countries in the world – Canada, UK, Switzerland, Philippines – at least one parent must be a citizen of that country to pass on citizenship to their child. That should be our approach and that would end this madness. If my husband and I have a child in Canada or the UK –”

      Check the law…If children of non-Bahamian parentage are born in the Bahamas they ARE NOT Bahamians anyway! they can only APPLY to be considered for citizenship.

      Plus in those countries if you are born there you have some path to citizenship. In fact you quote Canada. Which is perhaps the most liberal in the hemisphere with regards to immigration. You know thier former Governor General was born in Haiti, so I wouldn’t use them as a model to prove your point.

    • My sentiments exactly. As a teacher, I have to deal with this issue. About half of my students are usually of Haitian parentage. Just look at the ‘D’ average for English. The Haitian nationals are not conforming to our ways and language, but we are being asked to conform to suit them by learning Creole. What’s that about. I thought I lived and worked in The Bahamas where I am to teach English, not learn Creole to teach English by understanding the Creole-speaking students in order to teach them English. (See, it doesn’t even make sense saying it – it sounds foolish!)

    • JC,

      To clarify, the constitution of the Bahamas already sets out who is entitled to Bahamian citizenship. That an immigrant’s child born and raised in the Bahamas has the right to apply for Bahamian citizenship on attaining age 18 does not translate to the automatic granting of citizenship; rather it gives the relevant committee discretion to consider whether the facts indicate that the individual will be an asset to the country or is a potential liability. This consideration takes place within the context of economic, cultural and humane considerations.

      I cannot speak to Canada, but the British had their issues with immigration and the status of children of former colonials who flocked to that country in the post war years and well into the early 1980s. Their decision was to create what I call categories of Britishness and in effect regularise the children of West Indian, African and Asian immigrants – who for the most part have assimilated well into the society. My guess is, given that Canada is a new world country, they too have had experiences in dealing with immigration where discretion had to be exercised with the context of their constitution.

      As for the speaking of English in the Bahamas, this is another kettle of fish and a topic for a separate post.

  11. These amateurs will never see the halls of parliament. The DNA will implode before Bahamians go to the polls….mark my words!

  12. Again Bahamas Press miss quotes what someone said. Report the truth..What I said last night was that we need more Immigration officers over in Abaco, I then went on to say ” We need to find land somewhere and open it up to Bahamians to Buy, One suggestion was to sell it to Bahamians that make between 0 and $15,000.00 a year.” That would then get the Legal ones out of our Shanty Towns, then we can start dealing with the Illegals. Please in future quote me correctly..

    • Ok agreed that is what you said, but listen to your statement Mr. Thompson, “…That would then get the Legal ones out of our Shanty Towns”. The legal ones? Who are the legal ones? Bahamians or Immigrants?

      Now please tell us, what is different from what you are suggesting here and what Brensil Rolle and Kenneth Russell are proposing up in Mackey Yard! Same song different choir. That said, let me also add the fact that you used the same term used by the FNM… “Regularized”!

      Our position is clear, HOW DO YOU REGULARIZE A BAHAMIAN? Again the same words used by Brensil Rolle and Kenneth Russell.


  13. If you ever wonder how apartheid like thinking is birth, here is a classical example.The long term consequence of such action is that you will have a large segment of the population with no hope of ever becoming legitimate. If you want to solve a problem, the best approach is to solve it from the front end not the back end. In other words, stop the illegals from coming and the question of their children will not be a factor. If the illegals are here, we are obligated by the treaty with the United Nations to educate them. If I pay for someones education, I should reap whatever benefit that education brings.Our efforts as a country need to be directed towards stopping them from coming. The half hearted efforts by the politicians will not do. The first step is to move the defense force base to Inagua. Base all your efforts patrolling the Windward passage. Pay Haitians in Northern Haiti to secretly advised you when a boat is leaving port. The final one may sound a bit absurd but money is a great motivator. Ask the many American spys who spied on their own country.

  14. Bp your statement is very misleading. I think mr McCartney said that he would let the Bahamian public decide through a referandum whether children born to persons who have entered the Bahamas illegally should be considered for citizenship.

    BP, what are your views?

    • Well Mr. McCartney would have to go to Referendum in order to affirm his intent in the constitution. SO yes he has to call a referendum in order to do what he is advocating.


  15. OAT is one of the ‘architects’ of this on-going illegal immigration foolishness. These elistist folks have no idea what they are encouraging since the affects (high crime, unemployment, etc.) of their decisions hardly reach their door. A new government will offer hope and relief to this vexing situation.SMDT!

    • illegal and legal migration of haitians to this country has the country the way it is to day. We have to discourage the migration of poor people to this county. poverty breeds crime and still we have people who say we should farm in the Bahamas, well look at Abaco and see how farming in the Bahamas has helped us.

      The key to putting a dent in this immigration problem is changing our laws to arrest Bahamians for hiring and harbouring them. if we dont something we will continue to plunge into the ebis of violence and crime.

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