Does Pintard believes the GBPA should NOT PAY TAXES – and all Bahamians should?


The Editor
Bahamas Press

Dear Editor,

I was going to say that I was shocked and disappointed by the comments of FNM Leader Michael Pintard in relation to the demand by the Government of The Bahamas that the Grand Bahama Port Authority pays outstanding amounts owed for services rendered by The Government in the Port Area.

However; there is really nothing shocking about Pintard’s position.

In his signature fence straddling, have his cake and eat it too style he says he says something must be done but he disagrees with what the Government is doing.

And as usual he offers no alternative solution

Yes Mr. Pintard something needs to be done and the Government is doing it. What we do not need is your weak kneed, waffling and pandering.

A Concerned Bahamian