Donna Vasyli has been released on bail granted!


Murder accused released on bail….

Donna Vasyli released on bail yesterday.
Donna Vasyli released on bail yesterday.

Nassau, Bahamas – Bahamas Press has learned Donna Vasyli has been granted bail by the Court of Appeals!

Vasyli, the 54-year-old, was granted bail by the Appeals Court judge yesterday ahead of trial in connection with the fatal stabbing of her husband, Australian podiatrist, Phillip Vasyli.

Australian national Donna Vasyli, who spent four months on remand at the Department of Correctional Services, was unsuccessful on two previous occasions in getting Senior Justice Stephen Isaacs to release her on a bond.

However, her latest application heard on July 9 and decided in yesterday’s hearing before Justice Bernard Turner, saw the widow of 59-year-old Philip Vasyl receiving a $200,000 bond from her trial judge. She is to remain at her residence and is to report to the Western Police Station three days a week.

We report yinner decide!


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  1. Lets see whats happen to the lady in Da Ports – Bahamas would sell their soul for money if it wasn’t already in Liquidation.. Forget moral obligation to humanity forget traditional historical culture forget your brother and sisters and forget Love ..All hail the western world where all we care about is Money .. .. without it your nothing to your fellow townsmen

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