Dr. Dengue was given keys to Opposition Leader Office in Baypal Building two weeks after General Elections …


Minnis tricks the press? Perhaps suffering from “Selective Memory” as Butler-Turner’s popularity and leadership bid intensifies!

DR. DENGUE - HUBERT MINNS - BEGINs to trick the press.

Nassau, Bahamas — There is crisis developing in the FNM tonight as some are wondering if the Leader of the Opposition Hubert Minnis is suffering from a serious case of “Sometimers”, and here’s why.

Minnis raced like a bat-out-of-hell to tell Guardian Radio today  he was not given a car nor an office in his constitutional position as Leader of the Opposition. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, Bahamas Press can confirm Minnis’ office arraignments, which comes under the Speaker of the House, were dealt with early in the transition and thus his report to the media is a BIG FAT LIE!

Rather than fact-checking the information presented by Minnis to the press, the station ran the report of the interim leader, who is fighting like hell to remain as leader of the FNM.

BP has confirmed that Minnis was personally shown his office space in the Bayparl Building on Parliament Street by Clerk of the House Maurice Tynes and Mr. Rahming. The men are employed in the Speaker’s Chambers.

We can confirm the man, known as ‘Dr. Dengue’ [Minnis] to hundreds who died when he served as Minister of Health, told both men he would not be coming to that office, got his keys and left. So why THE BIG FAT LIE?

Why today go and tell the big bold-faced LIE to the Guardian Radio to suggest he has yet to get an office to work out of in his constitutional role?

On the point of having a car as Leader of the Opposition, Minnis would remember that, while he served as a Cabinet Minister, he was in a position to know Mr. Christie drove his own vehicle for three years, with his requests for a vehicle falling to the ground while Mr. NOBODY GREATER failed to act.

Perhaps Minnis has picked up the Romney-Ryan virus and has decided to sign up as the newest flip flopper and public liar in Bahamian politics.

We urge the wutless media of The Bahamas to ask ‘Dr. Dengue’: did he receive the keys to the Bayparl Building? And we call on the Speaker of the House to cry shame on the honorable member!

Boy I tell ya, ya see why FNMs want Minnis out and North Abaco will reject his candidate?

We report yinna decide…