Dr. Duane Sands…Politician or Pickpocket?



<<< Dr. Duane Sands

Nassau, Bahamas — We at Bahamas Press do not begrudge anyone who wishes to throw there hat in the political arena. We do however become concern when it’s obvious that some persons are detrimental to a nation’s welfare, especially if they are in a position of responsibility as a result of politics. Bahamas Press has been informed that Dr. Duane Sands is interested in running for The Elizabeth Constituency under the FNM banner.

If Sands is entering the political arena, he certainly has a strange way of going about it; Bahamas Press has been informed that he is making derogatory statements about senior members of the FNM Party/Government, hence that’s why they need him.

Sands claims to have the answers for the crime problem, the slow down in the economy and of course as a doctor, he believes he is the be all and end all for our health issues. Sounds like the typical politician. But to be badmouthing the party that you want to run for? Strange, to say the least.

Bahamas Press
does question his credibility, simply because of his practice as a doctor to hound people about payments no matter how small, literally to death. There are far too many cases where persons have been patients of Dr. Sands, ultimately died, and he still would hound the family about payments, even years after the death of the patients!

Does that sound like someone who The Bahamas needs in a government position? The Bahamas could never have enough politicians—but do we need anymore pickpockets?


  1. Any major Cardiac surgery in Bahamas could cost 50 to 70 thousand dollar’s while it cost less then 15 thousand dollars in one of the world class hospital’s India. This huge cost Decrepancy is because of lack of competition and the number of Cardiac surgery performed. While cardiac surgeon in Bahamas perform a dozen or more cardiac sugery per year, Some of the major center’s in India perform 3000 major Cardiac surgery per year.Dont belive me watch this vedio clip type ” BBC health production line surgery” on google. Now Bahamian’s have a choice and this competition will bring down the health care cost in Bahamas.

  2. With due respect, do you know how much does it cost to replace one of your heart valve in bahamas?40 thousand dollars and a coronary bypass surgery could cost you arround 50 to 70 thousand dollars in Bahamas, while it cost 10 to 15 thousand dollars in best centers in India. Only few bahamians can afford and rest of them perish gradually.In less then a year bahamians have a choice because a world famous indian cardic surgeon is building 2000 beded NARAYAN CAYMAN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL in cayman island which delivers high quality health care with low cost.

  3. Doctors have no place in politics. I shudder to think about Dr. Sands patients who have his VERY divided attention. FNM’s had no business selecting him. What a disaster. PLP all deh way.

  4. I’m not sure where this story is headed but how could a dead person pay a bill?  If there is money in their estate then fine, their bills must be paid by their executors but who is responsible for paying the bills of a pecuniary person?  A death-collector?

  5. the word mortgage is from latin for death pledge so if its ok fa the banks its ok fah the buisness man who after all is in it to make money charitable interest is of no concern of his commercial enterprise pay vat is owed we all have to in some countries an individuals estate is taxed upon death as well this story woobley

  6. BP you wrong for this. Dr. Sands is in business to make money not provide charitable service. People dead or alive need to pay their bills and I like the fact that this man is no nonsense about recouping what is his.

  7. OT you are too political to be objective. you see nothing wrong with the plp even though you know in your heart that PC cannot win another general election Paul Moss was right to diss him as you say. He is the only one with courage to do it and even gave BJ courage to come out. this is the problem with people like you who can see no wrong in your leaders

  8. Ya know BP I am confused..?>>? If I can remember correctly, BP had no problem with the way Paul Moss was going around dissing PC so what is wrong with the good doctor doing likewise…

    Nah, on the other hand I always thought that that made absolutely NO sense to talk bad about an organization that you want to not just be a part of but to be one of its representatives!!

  9. I agree with all the comments made.  The good Dr. has to collect what is owed to him, if our governments did the same maybe we would not be in the mess we are in, at this time.However, if we elect another Dr. we the people will never see a NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE.  Most dr.’s are against it, especially nass. dr.’s.  They told Mr. Christie yes! yes! yes! and behind his back it was no! no! no.They what their private clients first, and the government to give them concessions for the equipments and tools they need and on top of that’, they want consultation fees and privellages from the government.  So, people they what their cake, the whole hog and all the trimmings and eat it too.  We the people need to demand the government to  build the hospital immediately, purchase the equipments needed, and  supply the nurses and dr.’s with the tools needed. And bill those dr.’s with private clinic’s that need to use the governments equipment and facilities.  Please give the NURSES their INSURANCE. It is only fair.So, what say you  people. These are only  a small number of things our government can do for the us the people.  It is time we the people come first.No NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE, NO NEW HOSPITAL , NO VOTE.  We do not want promises either, or when Batelco is sold.

  10. I normally read and give lots of credit to the writers on this site but, I cannot understand how anyone could write such a ridiculous article!  Honestly, I don’t know the man or care about politicians very much, however, to say that as a businessman he’s not supposed to recoup payment for services rendered because the party expires….what?  Death does not absolve one from PAYING THEIR BILLS.  You do know that if one of your parents die all the bills they have left you have to pay correct?  Sometimes I wonder if 5 year olds are writing these articles or, people who have NEVER paid a bill, or ran a business, or even WORKED in a business.  If you don’t pay your bills, how will he pay his employees? his bills? etc etc.  Just because you die doesn’t mean he isn’t OWED the money does it?  If he renders you a service and ALLOWS you to pay later (No supermarket lets you take groceries and lets you pay when you feel like it do they???) be thankful!  If I sell you a brand new car and you die, do I just lose my money? I think not.  Please, think before typing.

    • With due respect, do you know how much does it cost to replace one of your heart valve in bahamas?40 thousand dollars and a coronary bypass surgery could cost you arround 50 to 70 thousand dollars in Bahamas, while it cost 10 to 15 thousand dollars in best centers in India. Only few bahamians can afford and rest of them perish gradually.In less then a year bahamians have a choice because a world famous indian cardic surgeon is building 2000 beded NARAYAN CAYMAN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL in cayman island which delivers high quality health care with low cost.

  11. Let me state up front that I have no party affiliation.  Dr. Sands sounds just like what we need:  Someone who has no problem speaking out even if its against his own party; And someone who knows how to collect money.  You cannot deny that he has something to offer the Bahamian people.

    • With due respect, do you know how much does it cost to replace one of your heart valve in bahamas?40 thousand dollars and a coronary bypass surgery could cost you arround 50 to 70 thousand dollars in Bahamas, while it cost 10 to 15 thousand dollars in best centers in India. Only few bahamians can afford and rest of them perish gradually.

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