Dr. Sands call up residents of Elizabeth



  1. Well dr sands need to do an emergency operation on himself and check his head. I find it rather contoversial and shady to see his brother sandy sands all crease up next to him publically showing support of his efforts to run for this constituency when not so long ago he was all about assisting his wife campaign for the same area for the opposition. So my concern is sands is related to an associated with the pindlings so where is his loyalty? Just like that oogly dogface primeminister dr sands need to get run outta lizzy.

  2. I honestly don’t understand why Dr. Sands says that he believes in a NHI plan but supports HI’s plan of buying a carriage before you buy the horse.. At least if you buy the hourse, you would be able to get around!! That means it would have made more sense to provide the country with free doctor visits and care first because how do you get prescriptions if you can’t pay to see the doctor in order to get the prescriptions!! Doctor Sands knows that it was only about saving his and other doctors’ those large sums of monies by fighting against the NHI plan in its original form under the PLP’s govt!! Doctor Sands has made it clear in this interview that he will not have time for the people of Elizabeth…

  3. I think Rodney Moncur is the bravest dude around and I wish he would win that the Liz seat, the HOA would be on fire, HAI & PC, would get their biz fix, especially HAI,  I can just see it now, oh boy!, if that could only happen, keep it up Mr. Moncur.

  4. Doc is wasting his time as I listened to Rodney on hardcopy today and the Constitution is clear,if a ny person has any business with the Govt it shall be disclosed within 30 days and GAZETTED before any Election.The FNM has fumbled the ball again.The country is certain to have Doc for at least two more yrs b4 he tries another ill timed candidacy.

  5. Well one thing that is certain Bahamasyouth is that you don’t know Hubert Ingraham. Who gat pants in his government to disagree with him? ONE PERSON in this term, CARL W. BETHEL, not another!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. My boy, he was not in the HOA, so he never voted, at the time, he was actually being selfish, the insurance companies and the doctors banded together to kill the health bill, at least PC stood up to them, but in the long run they got him back by backing the party that didn’t care about the small man and woman getting adequate health care, so he never stood up to anyone, but the backed the special interest, who are still holding this country in the dance, so calm down and come up with a sensible debate, instead of having a hard on for PC.

  7. ANSWER- NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN. You want talk about PUPPETS?…..YEah I understand what you trying to say but at-least he was MAN ENOUGH to stand up and say no he dont agree with the health care plan instead of going along with his own party agreement.  Im not saying Sand wont follow Ingraham if he dont agree what im saying is the CHANCES OF HIM doing that is much greater compared to RYAN PINDER.  Ive been to both party functions…. all ive been seeing is Ryan Pinder trying so so HARD to come aggressive with his unnecessary screaming. While Sands talking dry and seem out of touch with the people.  AND PERRY FLICKEN CHRISTIE TALKING FOOLISHNESS BOUT HE CARE BOUT ELIZABETH SO WHY HE DIDNT CARE ABOUT US in 07 when we wanted MALCOM TO GO IN THE FIRST PLACE…………. PLENTY TALKs TALks NO ACTION!!!

  8. Question, when has Minnis ever voted for something he doesn’t believe in?, where do these outlandish statements come from, Ryan will follow PC, but sands and Minnis will not follow HAI, they all are puppets and will follow the not only the party line, but will follow the leaders line, so stop fooling yourself Bahamas youth and become Bahamian grown up.

  9. wow THIS THE FIRST TIME I SEE A SENSITIVE SYNTHETIC SIDE FROM DOC. My decision is not as yet confirmed but I do have plenty respect to Dr Rollins, Dr Sands and of course Ryan Pinder. My main issue from day one is that I see Ryan Pinder doing more for my constituency compared to others HOWEVER I see him sitting in the back of the house of assembly voting for whatever Perry Christie agree or disagree with.  Thats why I admire the other two doctors who I know fa sure wont VOTE FOR ANYTHING if they dont AGREE WITH IT or sit idle in the house of assembly. Ryan Pinder has a edge on me and my vote and I wish everyone the best of luck.

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