Dr. Sands is always putting his feet in his mouth


Duane Sands could cost the FNM again! He wants the hospital this time privatized and all the old people thrown out!

Duane 'HEARTLESS' Sands - the bad candidate...

Dear Editor,

How’s about him threating the widow who has filed a wrongful death law suite against him? He told her she and her children will PAY him for the rest of their lives.  His attorney, who is representing him was a witness and the clerk of the court overheard the diatribe.

This case of now late( Lyndon) Harrison vs. Dr. Sands has been going on for too long.  Long before Harrison was denied medical care by NIB (when  Cargil) was at the helm and prior to his demise.

Dr. Sands thinks no one knows about this case and had even influenced the lawyers who where representing the widow to drop her like a hot potato.  Thank the Lord I heard she found an attorney who decided to wrap up the case.  Now, lets see if the Judge, will rule with justice and integrity or be influenced to rule along party lines.  Everyone knows that Sands wants leadership of the party and will stop at nothing until he get it.  Too bad he is his worst enemy.

J Bethel.
A friend of a friend, of a friend, of a friend of a clerk at the courts.