FNMs want Bahamians to DIE!

NASSAU| So Duane Heartless Sands was back holding his press conference today making all kinds of suggestions which never add up. Sands is trying to figure out how he ga get the hell out of Elizabeth Constituency where he has been set to run.
Sands will face the most dangerous cut-yinner-know-what from area MP Minister Jobeth Coleby Davis and so his press events are designed to try get him a safe seat.
Sands told the press the PMH cafeteria has been gutted. WELL, YES, IT HAS! After years of complaints, finally the Davis ACTION GOVERNMENT is giving the kitchen at the hospital a major upgrade to the standards the Bahamian people deserve. Food is now being prepared at UB for the hospital patients on the wards.
Now why didn’t Duane Sands see the need to upgrade the hospital (in this case the kitchen) when he was Minister for Health? Well, ya know what I think? To put it simply: MOST FNMS want Bahamians to die!
Sands didn’t want upgrades at the hospital and right now he is leading the charge to object to the new hospital for Bahamians being designed by the Davis Government!
Sands, yinner must remember, was named by a magistrate for his involvement in a case. He was also part of a crew to obstruct a police investigation, a complaint filed by former FNM Deputy Chair Richard Johnson.
Duane Sands is not a credible voice and the sooner the FNM understands this perhaps it might be better for them. Well … we hope he keeps speaking!
We report yinner decide!