Duane Sands caught in another lie against Coleby-Davis!


Sands ain’t over the CUTASS Jobeth Coleby-Davis delivered him in LIZZY! HE IS STILL HOLLERIN!

NASSAU| We warned the Bahamas and the FNM that Duane Sands was a liar and is worst than Minnis!

All last week the FNM trolls, The Police Staff Association Chairman Duane Sands and paid operatives of the FNM told a BIG Fat LIE that Minister Coleby-Davis ran over a police officer. They claimed that the officer was in hospital fighting for life! That is what they claimed. But it was a week-long lie as footage on the scene

Coleby-Davis spoke the truth!

Footage of that exchange with the decent Minister shows that nothing happened to the officer. When did Duane Sands meet with the officer? What were his advice to the officer? Is this another Barbara Hanna situation?

Duane Sands caught in another Big Fat Lie!

Now we know you cannot trust the lying trolls of the FNM, Duane Sands nor in this case the Police Staff Association.

We report yinner decide!