Remember just in January 2022 Duane Sands called for the Davis Government to LOCK EVERY BAHAMIAN DOWN!
NASSAU| So the hopeless LIAR Duane Sands aka ‘Da Bad Candidate’ who was fired in the Minnis Government is in the press today taking about the travels of our beloved PM Philip Brave Davis Q.C..
Sands believes the business travels of the PM at CHOGM (which the Bahamas hosted before) and CARICOM HEADS OF GOVERNMENT are too many trips for the hardworking PM who we all know has delivered a NEW DAY for every Bahamian. Davis is working, doing all the heavy lifting to reopen the Bahamas to the world, create jobs, lock down new investments and get the economy growing again!
Now, this criticism by Sands comes from a group (The FNM), who lied for years that PM Davis could not travel, and some weak minds believed that lie to be true. Today Sands is singing a new tune opposite to what they wanted Bahamians to believe a year ago. But Sands does LIE!
Secondly, this comes from a man, Sands, (now embattled with former PM Hubert MINNIS) who when the Bahamas experienced its first COVID19 Case was out of the country himself on holiday. He was traveling but nothing was wrong with flying then – at least not for him who lived outside the country at one point for years!
Thirdly, this comes from people inside the FNM, who didn’t want Bahamians traveling and created all kinds of obstacles for two-long solid years to stop us from not just flying but re-entering the country in a national rip-off with a Health VISA Scam, which could not account for over 20 million in revenue collected; absent from the books of the 2021 National Budget! NO ONE CAN DENY THESE FACTS!
And while we were being told to stay put and not travel – it was this same Duane Sands who permitted a woman out of Lyford Cay entry into the Bahamas to bury her dog – when Bahamians couldn’t leave the capital to bury their mah and pah! What A DISGRACE!
Bahamians must remember we do not live in a world in isolation, and the Bahamas has a leading role in regional and world affairs. We cannot effectively run a country by being absent from around the table and we hire our elected officials to do our global business on our behalf! We saw what that was like between 2017 -2021. Our absence from the tables of decision secured not one single investment in the Bahamas in four long years. It depleted our reserves and caused the collapse in investments, and created massive job insecurity and depression in our people. Yinner remembered those long bread lines?! Now the opportunity has come to attract new investments and build a global alliance has come and SANDS dem want us not engage and build new opportunities?
This NEW DAY approach by the Davis Government to re-establishing lines of communication with the world is already reaping dividends for our people. It is expanding growth and creating a whole new space of opportunity for our Bahamian people and residents alike. TELL SANDS FOR BP “YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE! AND YOU BLEW IT!”
Remember Duane Sands does not only have a problem with PM Davis traveling…but as an established fact that Sands and the FNM have a problem with every Bahamian taking a flight and doing business with the world!
We report yinner decide!