Duane Sands told radio host he wants all unwanted babies ABORTED BY THE STATE!!!


Heartless doctor Sands could become the next deputy leader and keep the FNM OUT with his views against the poor!

Duane Sands cannot win a seat much less an election...

Nassau, Bahamas — Free National Movement delegates must now be concerned about its candidate for Deputy Leader following an interview on national radio yesterday.

Bahamas Press tuned into the Guardian 96.9 radio show and guess who was on: Duane “Bad Candidate” Sands. The heartless heart surgeon was making his pitch for the deputy leader race and decided not to go to the delegates but to the nation.

Sands, in the interview with Lester Cox, sounding like the evil Pharaoh in the days of Jesus, expressed his support for all children born out of wedlock to be slaughtered. He said, though controversial, he would support a ‘Hitler Style State Sanctioned’ family planning services, which would result in “State Sanctioned and financed abortions.”

The heartless doctor went on to say that, although his views are controversial, this will be done under his leadership to protect the children of the Bahamas! WHAT IN DA HELL?!

BP warned voters about Sands’ radical views that cannot stand the acid test among Bahamians. He also called for a bloody axing of public servants and a reduction in the size of government!

Some say the doctor, who left the Bahamas in 1977,  also believes in euthanasia [killing off old people] and highly supports same sex marriages!

The bad candidate hid trouble twice becoming the MP for Lizzy. The people of Elizabeth rejected Sands after he called them “Greedy” in the Tribune!!

On the coldest day in winter of 2011 just before the general elections Sands evicted a single mother and her seven small children from their home just days before Christmas. And recently he called for castrations as he marched with Branville McCartney.

As one FNM Council Member told BP, “Das a damn heartless man eh? Boy if he is elected deputy leader, I would have to join the DNA cause he sounds like he has a hit list to take us all out in the party!”

We report yinner decide!