Dumb and Dumber – "MUGABE" And "UNDERNOURISHED"



Hubert Mugabe Ingraham and Carl ‘Undernourished’ Bethel ( DUMB AND DUMBER) >>>

Listen to ZNS News Broadcast Tonight of Bethel’s Visit to EMR High School

With the Ingraham years winding down into the sunset, it is clear that there is one possible successor. One who can continue the legacy of Ingraham’s rouge looks and DUMB STATEMENTS! Carl “Undernourished” Bethel quickly dashed to Grand Bahama to talk with teachers, students and parents after multiple crimes of SEXUAL SLAUGHTER were committed at the Eight Mile Rock High School.

Just days before leaving, Bethel told the Muppet Show (ZNS) he will not respond to pressures of a political nature. However after a good cussing in the Cabinet Room on Wednesday night by Mugabe, Bethel haul his tail with a delegation to the school, saying today that his ministry cares for every little child enrolled there.

Bahamas Press will not let this story die. Members of the WUTELSS MEDIA was busy writing about Pindling, whilst student after student was being raped by a gang of teachers and public officers. Andre Birbal lead that massacre at the school and was aided in his escape out of the country by Bethel’s ministry. MOE house Birbal. MOE paid him whilst an investigation was underway. MOE gave him a cheque upon his resignation and allowed the PEDOPHILE art teacher to escape town. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CARL BETHEL, RESIGN AND RESIGN NOW!

Ingraham was on TV tonight telling Bahamians if he did not raise the taxes (on come-ingraham160,000 Items) last year, the cost to purchase them would be much higher this year. WHAT?? HOW does that mathematically workout??? Now we see where Bethel pattern of silly comments come from. Bethel told reporters that the children at EMR High were raped by teachers because they were undernorished. MY WORD, ANOTHER DUMB STATEMENT! Dumb and Dumber – “MUGABE” And “UNDERNOURISHED” they’re SIMPLY THE BEST CLOWNS THIS COUNTRY HAVE SEEN IN YEARS!


  1. Russell Johnson :the letter that was tabled in the HOA that was written in 1993 to retire or transfer PLPs and replace them with FNM supporters. It was so disappointing :CONNIE can you update me on this situation as I might have missed it.I am a fan of Carl Bethel but realised he became compromised when his son was involved in the Queens College incident and nothing happened.Too much party politics has left many Govt Ministers impotent.Unless there is a Cabinet reshuffle my friend Carl will find himself in deeper shark infested waters.More aschool sexual matters are about to be brought to the forefront and then poor Carl will be fired.All of the heir apparent to the FNM leadership are going to be scarred by scandals and one of the dark horses will prevail.Too much dirt in less than two years has put the Govt on the defensive and in these recessionary times that spells disaster.The official opposition needs to call for a Commission of Enquiry.I ask this pertinent questions again;(1) Where is your voice Cleaver Duncombe? (2) Where are you Rev Hall? (3) Where are you heads of the various Christian denominations? People tyalk about us needing an Obama,I say we need fire and brimstone Reverends like Dr HW Brown,Rev Cooper and Rev Colebrooke etc.Cookie monster you said during the campaign that if any of your Ministers got involved in any embarassment you would cut off their hand.Well Loretta Butler ,the Weasel,Tommy,Earl,Deon,Brent now Carl still have theirs.You are a joker who tries to play tough but you only remain the Cookie Monster.

    There is a letter that was tabled by Obie Wilchcombe in the House of Assembly (I am surprised that Bahamaspress didn’t show it) written in 1993 in Grand Bahamas that contains a list of known PLP supports and their positions in govt at that time. The letter asks for this “PLPs” to be transferred in some cases to demeaning positions and in other cases retired to be replaced by FNM supporters. The letter says that the list was requested by Mr. Ingraham himself. The positions cover from ZNS to the police force.

  2. @Joe Blow

    Joe Blow I know this website is making positive changes in our country. That is why I am continuously on it because I realize my contributions can go a long way. If I don’t express what I feel is right and wrong, then I would not be helping in bringing about change. We must always try to be fair and balance at all time, not because someone does not always agree with you they are being negative. Some people on here has a way of putting things into proper perspective when it comes to their political persuasion, but they are not able to do the same otherwise. Well I am not about playing the political cards, whatever I believe in my heart is the situation then that’s what you will hear me express.

  3. Kim: “there are many laws on the book in this country that have not been enforced for years” And that is the point isn’t it? They are not enforcing those laws. We, then , must band together and make certain they carry out what the public wants, if it is just. Carl Bethel and his ministry has been forced (partly by Media’s taking up the “torch” -no pun intended- and the contributors’ comments) to devise programs to make certain this does not happen again at this school or other schools in this country. We have done our part and have gotten that result. He was also forced, by our collective interventions, to meet with the interested parents, listen to their views and complaints and rectify the situation. Now it will be up to the Police and other law enforcement agencies to find the alleged perpetrator and let justice take its course. C.B. and others will be more careful in the future because they know we all will be on their “case”. We must continue in this crusade, not to denigrate our politicians, but to make certain they respond in a fair and just and public way to our legitimate concerns. They will respond to us because that is what we will demand. And you Kim are a part of it.

  4. On several occasions I communicated with Carl Bethel and he came across as a very kind and generous man. My problem with him is his slow and lack of actions towards these sexual allegations. Even though I may think he is a nice person that does not mean I should not speak up, if I really believe he could have handled this situation better. To tell you the truth, I am very disappointed with the way he treated those children at EMRH. I really expected more from him. I thought he was the kind of MP that if something of this nature happened on his watch he would want to get to the bottom of it and he would have done his best to resolve it. I guess that’s my fault for believing in him.

  5. @Joe Blow

    To be honestly I believe I am point fingers at the right persons. I blame Andre Birbal for what he did to our children. I blame Carl Bethel and Tommy Turnquest for not making sure a proper investigation was carried out and for not being there for the children. I blame the school administrators and the parents if they knew what was happening and did nothing to protect those kids and I blame society who may have failed those children, but I don’t blame myself for what has happened to those children, because I feel what has happened is despicable. Yes, we as a society can come together as a collective body and demand change, but if our law makers don’t see the need for them and refuse to enforce them, then where does that leave us? There are many laws on the book in this country that have not been enforced in years. Our politicians were voted into office to serve and protect its citizens. When they have lie to us to get into office and then turnaround and disappoint us, am I suppose to blame myself for voting them in? When they came to us as a wolf in sheep clothing. The truth is, I am only one person trying to make a positive difference in my country, I can not be held accountable for what other members in my society do. We can beat around the bush and come up with all kind of philosophy, unless we start holding people accountable for their actions and placing blame in the right place, we as a society will never be any better.

  6. the letter that was tabled in the HOA that was written in 1993 to retire or transfer PLPs and replace them with FNM supporters. It was so disappointing :CONNIE can you update me on this situation as I might have missed it.
    I am a fan of Carl Bethel but realised he became compromised when his son was involved in the Queens College incident and nothing happened.Too much party politics has left many Govt Ministers impotent.Unless there is a Cabinet reshuffle my friend Carl will find himself in deeper shark infested waters.More aschool sexual matters are about to be brought to the forefront and then poor Carl will be fired.All of the heir apparent to the FNM leadership are going to be scarred by scandals and one of the dark horses will prevail.Too much dirt in less than two years has put the Govt on the defensive and in these recessionary times that spells disaster.The official opposition needs to call for a Commission of Enquiry.I ask this pertinent questions again;(1) Where is your voice Cleaver Duncombe? (2) Where are you Rev Hall? (3) Where are you heads of the various Christian denominations? People tyalk about us needing an Obama,I say we need fire and brimstone Reverends like Dr HW Brown,Rev Cooper and Rev Colebrooke etc.Cookie monster you said during the campaign that if any of your Ministers got involved in any embarassment you would cut off their hand.Well Loretta Butler ,the Weasel,Tommy,Earl,Deon,Brent now Carl still have theirs.You are a joker who tries to play tough but you only remain the Cookie Monster.

  7. It is only when we acknowledge the truth that we can make the needed changes. It is gratifying to see how many of us are finally articulating what we know to be the problem. We CAN now move forward and start the process of change that is so badly needed.

  8. The EMR case is just a symptom of the disease we are sick as a nation. That is the point that I think Joe was getting at as well. We as a nation are afraid to speak, afraid to protest and so we would the big strong church, government, or whatever to come rescue us when we have all the power locked up inside us as a collective body doing nothing. We sit back and accept things that we do not agree with because we are waiting for “them” to fix it. We need to protest against cases like the EMR case and cases like the Monavie case and the state of the judiciary but there lies the apathy that we have acquired on our journey to here.

  9. @ronica7
    Ronica now that is what I call a mouth full, but your true. It like a broad brush on the assessment of the country. But we cannot overlook the facts in the EMR High case. They are glaring and cannot be avoided.


  10. Joe blow is spot on .I have always bemaoned the fact that our country is one of the most poorly run countries in the western world.Poorly socialized young boys and girls running amok. The children today have no role models. Babies having babies, older men running after young underaged school girls.

    Police chasing criminals through our main thorough-fares, fast becoming the norm. Our judicial system in a total mess.”D” average students,dirty, filthy nassau, potholed streets(blame the guys just dropping the tar in the streets) no one seems to care how they repair the pot holes, i wonder if these guys have any supervisors

    Jitney drivers openly drinking guiness with passengers on the bus. Disheveled looking taxi drivers. Young men driving around with porn on their dvds. Illegal immigrants abusing our system, coming through the airport, while the immigration department out at south beach

    You can buy almost anyone at ministry of works, or any government ministry for that matter. Poor lousy service in our shops like they are doing you the favor. I can go on, and on yes, joe blow politics aside we are a poorly run, slow, and inefficient country

  11. I do think that Joe has a great point and finally someone has the guts to say what Joe said ;that we tend to blame God,the Church and the Government and of course the foreigners everyone but ourselves …yes we are to blame for what is wrong in our country we have to liberalise our ideology in this country while holding on to our values and our cultural identity …..what has hap pend in the last 15-20 years is that we have lost our cultural identity and our core values have been replaced with a fundamental religious far right ideology that has no place in politics or in our system of justice .

    This is the main problem when pastors and so call holy men have forced their political views on their membership and have brain washed their flock into a false sense that God will work it all out …if you get robbed don’t worry God will work it out…..if you want to get a new house don’t worry God will give you one…..If you have problems on the job don’t worry God is working it out …..I f you have children that are not going the right way God is working it out for you…I say until this fundamental way of thinking has been change and people begin to liberalise their way of thinking and we finally have a separation of church and state then we will be able to move towards a stronger and better equipped nation.

  12. Let me be more clear here. My MAH AND PAH sent me to school to learn. To study to become educated. They sent me and my siblings to school to get a shot at the opportunities and technologies the world has to offer.

    They didn’t send me to school to be RAPED or ABUSED by a gang of pedophiles! HELL NO! They didn’t send me to be used as someone sexual slave in an after school programme! They did not send me to join some after school brothel? So why has the ministry allow such to take place for over 8 years? WHY?

    See when Bahamas Press said that this Queen’s College Rape incident by Carl Bethel’s son was setting a precedent, some cried foul. But now look today, look at the sexual massacre happening at a campus in a quiet settlement. THREE TEACHERS NOW IMPLICATED! And if members of the WUTLESS MEDIA would take off their political BLINDERS they would have assisted in protecting the children. BUT NO! They rather talk about who they find on the beach or in the back seat of a car wearing a PLP T-Shirt! Whilst young children are getting rape in broad daylight!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  13. @Joe Blow
    Joe what diatribe you’re spewing here today? Carl Bethel is responsible to police the matters happening in schools. He has yet to acknowledge that ERRORS WERE MADE in his department. (1) HE failed to investigate matters reported 2 years ago of SEXUAL SLAUGHTER incidents occurring that the Eight Mile Rock High School. (2) Bethel could have removed the teacher from the first complaint. (3) HE DID NOTHING! (4) He trotted out his Acting Director in Nov. along with Clint Watson to say, THERE WAS NO CASE AT THE SCHOOL! (YOU’LL FORGETTING THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS ECH?)

    Troy Garvey not only informed the Ministry of Education and the minister, BUT also the police, along with victims and their parents. The ministry still did nothing! I mean what WUTLESS ASININE excuse are to suggesting here? The Ministry of Education TOTALLY IGNORED this matter! THEY DROPPED THE BALL! And now students are committing suicide and losing their minds because of it.

    Many started off hungry, as Bethel suggests, but after an encounter with Andre Birbal and his sexual pedophila cohorts, they were never the same!

    MY GOODNESS the Bahamas, the entire country, should be ashamed of what we have allowed to creep into our school system. TEACHERS RAPING BOYS FOR YEARS? EIGHT TO BE EXACT! And when you get the culprit the MOE allows him to escape? MY GOD, WHAT A DISGRACE!

    Someone’s head should roll for this! THESE ARE CHILDREN!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  14. @Joe Blow
    I hate to admit it but you do have a point. I recently had a heated argument with friends about the importance of taking our kids to church. I heard a pastor say, “We are rearing a generation of ‘unchurched’ and untrained youth.” This is so true. My parents took us to church, but more importantly they taught us and brought us up to be morally responsible individuals. Training does begin at home. Unfortunately, many parents expect teachers and pastors and whomever comes along to have a hand in teaching their kids. Many parents have no idea what their children are up to when thay are not around. Mr Birbal had access to those children over a significant amount of time, but who knows the minds and hearts of these children. They know right from wrong. I am not condoning his actions, but we all have to admit that in this day and age our children are exposed to too much too fast. And when something goes wrong, we blame everyone but ourselves. It is our own actions that must sometimes be called into question when we fail our children and in fact ourselves.

    As a nation we are too easily moved by the changing of the tides. It is a fundamental belief that if it’s new then it’s better. And we complain when it doesn’t turn out to be what we expected. Thousands of Bahamians rallied to the cause “MATTER OF TRUST” because that’s what we wanted, and now we are paying for it. There are certain expectations we should have from our politicians. They work for the people. I never agreed with the concept that Carl Bethel is to blame for what happened in the school. Mr Birbal and the other man that molested those boys are to blame. Carl Bethel is responsible for not responding as quickly as he should have in a matter such as this. He is to blame for trying to keep the situation hidden from the public. He is to blame for not ensuring that Mr Birbal’s travel decuments were seized so that he could not travel pending investigation seeing as though he was an employee of MOE. And that is what he should be held accountable for.

  15. Kim: To some degree we must blame ourselves, although the above was not directly related to the case you speak to. I understand you, yourself, would never commit such unspeakable acts nor in any way condone such actions. I was responding to Connie’s quote. If the truth be known and accepted, we are, in a way, collectively responsible beause we all have allowed our nations’ children to be put in harm’s way due to our lack of policies and regulations over the years and enforcement of same. We cannot deny that too many of our children are suffering from neglect, abuse, and lack of much needed adult guidance, not only by their parents; but by the nation in general. I still maintain Carl Bethel did what was in his power to do and that is remove the alleged “perp” from his position at the school. The investigation was turned over to the police to conduct as it should have been. Only the Courts could have confiscated his passport or put him on a watch list with immigration. If you want to place blame you must include the school administrators and the parents for not being on top of the situation. And we still do not know the facts of the case. If CB is to be faulted it can be that he did not meet with the parents of all the children and reassure them that all was being done that could be done under the circumstances in a more timely fashion.

  16. @Kim Sands
    You have to admit Joe Blow has a point and I think that the point that he is making is that we have for some reason in the past 15 – 20 years given up our power as a collective body. Although I will say that Carl Bethel and Hubert Ingraham are in no way shape or form doing as good as they should be for the Bahamas it is basically up to us to tell them shape up or ship out everyday and not just election day and that goes for whatever party wins the government. Governance is not easy and it is seems to be then that means that the people governing aren’t doing anything. I think Joe’s point is that we are the one accepting the low standards and other foolishness from our politicians and rewarding them with second and third chances without seeing real change, just words.
    I think that Mr. Ingraham having a third term is a good thing if only for the point that ALL those people who thought he was the best thing since sliced bread are no finding out the bread is molded and stale. All due respect to Mr. Ingraham I think in the future we will realize that he should not have won a second term much less a third.

  17. @Connie

    Hi Connie, if Joe Blow want blame himself for happened to those children that his business, I know I am not blame myself because if I had anything to do with it this whole mess would have never happened. The minister has failed those children and their parents at EMRH miserably. If Birbal was brought to justice, I think they would have felt a shade better. Carl Bethel lack of actions in this matter has broken the hearts of those children and their parents. He can’t expect for those children to trust him now, when he was not there for them before. He showed up now with open arms after Birbal escaped the country, they really think people are stupid! Everybody knows this is just to smooth things over. I can’t understand why the PM would not cut those ministers pay until this storm have passed over, especially ministers like Carl Bethel and Tommy Turnquest who performance is below standards.

  18. I know I probably kicking the hornets nest with this but…. When I saw the PM’s press conference this weekend, the first thing I though of was BP and this same picture and the story about this oooooogly shirt man. Homeboy have a collection of them in all the colours, muddos.

  19. “We also in the last 15-20 years have become a very apethetic people. I don’t know why that is…..” Connie, I believe if you think about it you can come up with the answer. What is our first cry when something happens to us? The government should take care of us! The Lord will take care of it! It’s those damn foreigners! The media is not doing its job! The wrong political party won the election! The justice system is broken! The police are crooked! The business people are always ripping us off! We have no power! The ministry of Works should fix these roads! The government should not fix the roads because the poor people are suffering! Our country is dirty! We are spending unnecessary money on advertising! Tourism should advertise more! We should close down the number houses! Spend more money on sports and regattas! Create programs for this, that and the other thing but don’t borrow any money! And the beat goes on. In the article above the statements are made: “multiple crimes of sexual slaughter”, “student after student was being raped by a gang of teachers and public officials” We buy into this sensationalism, add our comments and blow stories all out of proportion because we are a nation of people who are reactive instead of proactive, who respond to crisis situations in an over-emotional way, believe we have the power only at election time and even then allow our votes to be bought by rallys and promises we want to hear but know cannot and will not be kept. For too many of us it is easier to be negative and complaining and blaming everyone but ourselves. That saves us from standing up and doing something constructive about an issue. We give away our power to others and then complain when we believe they are abusing it. We do not think about the future and not only live for to-day but dwell in the past. We are morally corrupt and will accept sweethearting and drug lords committing their horrible crimes and then side with them against the police because they buy us off with token gifts at Christmas. We attend church on Sunday because we think that make us look good and the rest of the week we drink and gamble and cheat on our spouces and neglect our children and spread our gossip. Yes Connie it is our ATTITUDE we must change before any hope of change can be made in this country that is fast following apart. It is not the party in power that is the main problem or the party in power before that. It is we ourselves. We are confused, apethetic and quite stupid in our actions and thoughts. “We have met the enemy and it is US.”

  20. The photo with HAI and Carl Bethel (SITTING) looks like they are using a bathroom bowl in public. And that is how the entire EMR fiasco looks in the eyes of the public.

  21. @Sincere
    We bought lemons with the Ingraham Administration from the start. Did you see the letter that was tabled in the HOA that was written in 1993 to retire or transfer PLPs and replace them with FNM supporters. It was so disappointing because that means that Mr. Ingraham never had any good intentions for the nation. We have bought a lemon with the Ingraham Administration from the start I am afraid. How can you expect to have good, law abiding, productive citizens if you refuse to invest in that notion. We just gave $44 million to aid in the wrecking of Arawak Cay yet our own citizen is not worth $13,000. Mr. Ingraham himself said that $13,000 per boy was too expensive for the National program that was in Andros, even though those boys are the future of the nation. The Bahamas has signed on to a number of convention for the good treatment of children and yet look what we do nothing. Children are treated horribly in the Bahamas, they are raped with and without their consent, they are put through government schools like cattle whether they learn or not and all sorts of other things. The police should be called even if there is a rumour concerning children while they are in the care of the government in school.
    We also in the last 15 – 20 years has become a very apathetic people. I don’t know why that is but I do know that we need to begin to do things differently and begin to make these politicians work and hard for us. We are being played for fools by this administration and Mr. Ingraham is governing in a knee jerk, confused manner.

  22. @Connie
    I agree with you Connie. Even the Obama team took paycuts when they became a part of his administration. And these men and women were making millions. They realized and understood the severity of the economy and what it would take to bring about change. The Ingraham administration are a lousy bunch. They are comfortable with the way things are because as I have stated before none of the current conditions in the Bahamian climate seem to affect them personally. It’s quite a different picture when it’s your child being taken advantage of, or if it’s your own business going under, or if you have to stand in the unemployment line. It’s quite a different picture if you’re in danger of losing your home or your car. It’s a different picture if you can’t afford to pay your children’s tuition or provide the necessities for your family. Those men and women in the HOA have secure jobs, but what they seem to have forgotten is that they work for the people of the Bahamas. We put them there!!! The minute they decided to run for office and stepped outside of their respective workplaces, they signed on to work for the country. I say let’s fire them all because they’re not earning their paychecks.

  23. What remains a shocking reality, is the leader of the FNM is only concerned about damage control.. What about consequences for those who not caused but allowed it to happen and did not take appropriate action to correct the problem?

    Let’s try to make this issue more personal inorder to fully sensitize Ingraham about this. Mr Ingraham what if your young Grandsons were exploited by a pedophile and had to deal with the firghtening reality of HIV? The bahamian people are demanding nothing less but that you show some morality in this matter. Notwithstanding you have an obligation to ensure the stability of the FNM and remain in control of the Government, this is not a bad thing and I only wish you well; but you must also seriously evaluate your current lack of deciciveness in this matter and weigh it against how history will judge you and everything you stood for.

    If you haven’t realized by now, Carl is spoiled fish. He will stink up the whole school of snappers including you Mr Ingraham… As a matter of fact the Party is starting to “SMELL”

  24. Another reason why I think that the Bahamians are being hoodwinked. The JAMAICAN PM has taken a 15% pay cut in light of the economy and yet we have to watch them come to the House of Assembly and laugh at everything and make light of everything and blame everything on the PLP as if we are stupid. We are missing opportunities in this recession that other Caribbean Nations are taking advantage of and if we continue with these jokers like Ingraham and Bethel who care nothing about the nations future enough to ignore rape at a public school then we are going to end up on the short end of the stick after this recession.
    While I respect the PM for his position “simply the best” is turning at to be a horrible, horrible thing.

  25. @Kim Sands
    I agree with you we have all been played for fools, these people do not care about us or anyone else but themselves and those that can line their pockets. If EMR were QC again then we would have seen action.

  26. Carl Bethel is a big joker! I don’t believe he cares about those children at EMRH at all, if he does he has a strange way of showing it. At least this visit to Grand Bahama was better than the last ones when he called the children undernourished. I hope he has reconsidered resuming the lunch program at the school. Anyway, tonight on the News he was talking about the children putting what has happened in the past behind them and moving on. This process will not happen over night this will indeed take some time and for some of those delicate ones they may never recover from what has happened. Even though the Minister may wish for those children to forget how authorities have failed them, he must realize those children have suffered year and years of abuse. The abuse was so bad that one of the boys had to be admitted to Sandilands, another boy just committed suicide nobody know if there is a connection. Also not to mention the boys who have contracted HIV aids, how are they supposed to press on as if nothing happened? How can they look forward to a brighter future?

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