Nassau – ‘Duncey Debbie’ wants to take over the Healthy Lifestyles section in the Ministry of Health and, boy, everything in her power has been applied to see that it is nailed down.
Now ‘Duncey Debbie’ was dubbed that name from her days at Queen’s College where she was held back in all the remedial classes back in the day.
She discovered that sexing a particular Senior Politician could get her into high places and, boy, she has made that big leap to get ahead.
‘Duncey Debbie’ connected herself real close as the special paramour of that Senior Politician. But there is a problem.
While ‘Duncey Debbie’ has made herself readily available to the Senior Politician, she forget to calculate the fact that the politician and her immediate boss [THE MINISTER], who would make the decision of her appointment, are not on speaking terms.
In fact, her boss, Minister Duane Sands, is not paying the kind of attention needed to his Ministry these days. And to even make the appointment for his colleague’s pillow friend is not of any importance as he is constantly in the operating room working as if he was never elected and appointed Minister.
The Senior Politician, who has a lots of gal pals, does not think so highly of ‘Duncey Debbie’ either, even though they are equally compatible – in many ways!
But ‘Duncey Debbie’ believes she is a right and proper fit for the office, even though some believe she is unable to spell “HEALTHY” and has some poor, dutty and nasty “LIFESTYLES”! Why ya think these people don’t leave that Senior Married Politician alone? Anyway – das all we ga say for now.
We ga report and let yinner decide!