Dutty FNM’s apologist tabloid turns a blind eye on Hurricane victims, focusing instead on Lyford Cay while dogs eat corpses left on the streets for days!


Minnis’ last hope fails to speak of the poor leadership by the PM following Hurricane Dorian…

NASSAU| Rather than help mobilize support for the Hurricane relief and point out incidents where problems are building in Abaco and Grand Bahama, the FNM’s apologist tabloid “THE PUNCH” took the entire headline this Monday to come out in an attack on Fashion Billionaire Peter Nygard. The move must be sponsored by FNM Government rogue criminal backers!

Imagine that! For the past week, for more than 8 days, with bodies stacked like sardines in trailers and others being buried in mass graves across the island of Abaco, the FNM’s apologist tabloid could find nothing to report on but what is unfolding in Lyford Cay?

But you know failed finished Minnis, who is the master of distraction and lies, can only spin and tell lies through the morning tabloid these days, which is rotting on the shelves just like the dead corpses littering all across Abaco and Grand Bahama and eaten by dogs that need to be put to sleep.

The tabloid should hang its head in ‘dutty’ shame for its wutless gutter reporting and begin to operate as a responsible paper of record and inform the public about the happenings at ground zero. But they wouldn’t soon at the behest of Hubert Minnis they would blame the killer storm Dorian on the PLP. They have no shame!

We report yinner decide!


  1. The good doctor was never qualified to lead the country, just as most of the buffoon politicians who happen to hold on to their parliamentary seat and thus qualifies them because the other perps have lost theirs in the general election.
    Obviously now the general feeling that he was ill placed was correct
    One and Done.
    The Bahamas is doomed to failure.

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