Education Minister tells GB Public School Graduates to Think Globally, Get Qualified, Come Back and Build Their Country


GRADUATES – Some 400 students of public senior schools in Grand Bahama graduated with their Bahamas High School Diploma during graduation ceremonies on Friday, June 9, 2017.

FREEPORT, Grand Bahama – Minister of Education the Hon. Jeffrey Lloyd told the 2017 graduating class of public school students in Grand Bahama that The Bahamas critically needs their talents to positively shape and form the future of these islands. “Go out and see the world – there are six or seven continents in this world — go and visit them all, and even work in them all, but come back home and build your country,” said Minister Lloyd.

“We need your talents, your brilliance, your capabilities and your insights so that we can become the best little country on God’s earth.”

The Education Minister’s remarks came during graduation ceremonies for the Ministry of Education’s Inaugural Bahamas High School Diploma, which was held at the Grand Lucayan resort on Friday, June 9, 2017. The ceremony combined the public schools on Grand Bahama, inclusive of Jack Hayward High School, St. George’s High School, Eight Mile Rock High, as well as students from the Beacon School.

“Today, there are nearly 50,000 students in the public schools in this country,” said Minister Lloyd. “Young people like you, under the age of 20, make up approximately 40 percent of the population of this land. Those under 30 make up almost 60 percent of this population.

“So, without a doubt, the future social atmosphere, the cultural identity, the economic and political reality of this country is directly tied to the constructive development of you. This is a time of great opportunity; it is also a time of great trial and challenge.

“There are many, many negative influences that swirl about in your young lives.”

He apologized to those graduates who may not have had the opportunity to have positive role models in their lives and within their environments. He said those are not the paradigm they must follow, but that Jesus, the Christ is the role model to follow.

“And what he invites you to understand graduates, is that you must let no one take your greatness, your potential, your power, your magnificence nor your splendor from you,” said Minister Lloyd.

The Education Minister reminded the students that they live in what is considered to be one of the most exciting times in mankind’s history.

Minister Lloyd reminded teachers that education has changed and is constantly changing; now it is driven by technology.

“So educators, if you are not tech savvy, you better get there, because that is the world we live in today. Unlike anytime in our history the re-dedication of the educational professional to their craft and the outcomes they seek, what we seek, is never more powerful.”

Minister Lloyd left the graduates with three final thoughts as they move to the next level of their lives: Think globally, get qualified and become mobile.


Photo Captions:

BIS Photos/Vandyke Hepburn

TOP ACHIEVERS – Minister of Education, the Hon. Jeffrey Lloyd (fourth from left), along with Principals Yvonne Ward, Keith Barr and Ivan Butler, stand with students who received top Achiever Awards from the Grand Bahama Port Authority. Mrs. Smith from the GBPA (left) presented the awards.

ADDRESSING GRADUATES – Minister of Education, the Hon. Jeffery Lloyd was the guest speaker at the 2017 Inaugural Bahamas High School Diploma graduation on Friday, June 9, 2017 at the Grand Lucayan resort ballroom.

GRADUATES – Some 400 students of public senior schools in Grand Bahama graduated with their Bahamas High School Diploma during graduation ceremonies on Friday, June 9, 2017.