Education now in Chaos with Minister Lloyd – Principals resign and shuffle!


A letter from the Union –

Minister of Education Hon. Jeffery Lloyd.

Good morning and pray all is as well as can be. We know that there are concerns as school is days away from opening (as a matter of fact two work days as we report to the annual admin conclave on Monday). We provide an update on the matter of redeployment of school administrators (specifically principals).

Mid day yesterday the union was asked and willing accepted to meet with the Director at 5 p.m. The Deputy Director was also present by meeting time. The Acting President, Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General from BEMU attended as it was short notice but important.

The union was informed that a number of Principals would be moved. The union had concerns regarding the justification for these moves, the manner in which they were being done, the time (extremely late) provided for school leaders who are not aware to-date, and the consultative process with both member and union.

While we acknowledged the employer authority to move employees as they deem necessary, we highlighted that there is a process and also reasonable expectation when such matters occur. The union was not supportive of some moves but did agree with those by promotions and special circumstances that were justified.

We are unable in this update to inform member of the proposed moves as both parties agreed in the spirit of goodwill to allow the Director and Deputy time for consideration of expressed views by the union. We expect that prior to the conclave due respect will be given to BEMU and a meeting be called to inform us of the amended proposed decisions. We expressed as outlined in our CBA and other policy documents that this critical consideration be consultative and not merely unilateral. Due to the meeting time and concerns expressed by BEMU the meeting did not allow for discussions on other administrators redeploy and that of District Superintendents as was expected.

Please note that BEMU will continue to seek collaborative dialogue but remain dedicated to serving our members primarily and protecting their right to do all possible to create a better educated populace.

Looking forward to meeting all of you at the conclave and hopeful that these and other matters of major concern are addressed so prior to September 3rd we can continue progress on The Minister of Education National Education Goal (W.I.G.). PLEASE despite our many challenges continue to do all you can to support our teachers and serve our students who are most important.

Long Live Education, Long Live BEMU!