Election call for 6 years was ignored


EDITOR, The Tribune.

As a dedicated 30-year member of the Valley Boys, I watched Mr. Brian Adderley’s press conference yesterday with great disappointment. It was disheartening to witness his dismissive attitude toward the countless members who have volunteered their time, money, and talent for our beloved group. We have sacrificed much to rush, yet Mr Adderley can find the time for a press conference, but has not seen fit to call a single general meeting with us since last year.

For over six years, our calls for an election have been ignored. We are not asking for a new group; we want our organisation to be run properly and fairly. How is it that Mr Adderley can stand confidently before the media, but cannot bring himself to face the members who make the Valley Boys what it is?

During the press conference, Mr Adderley mentioned that the JCNP honours his registration. However, we are confused by his conflicting banners. For Labour Day and during the press conference, the banner read “World Famous Valley Boys.” Why does the banner say “World Famous Valley Boys”? Meanwhile, Trevor Davis has openly posted his NPO certificate for the Valley Boys Junkanoo Group, claiming the members own the name not Brian Adderley. Why didn’t Mr. Adderley present his certificate to clear up this matter once and for all? Why does his business license say “World Famous Valley Boys” trading as “The Valley Boys”? How was this allowed to happen?

We are not taking sides; we are seeking clarity. Why address the media, but not engage with the very group he claims to love? The assertion made to the Bahamian public that a Junkanoo group does not need to register as a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) blatantly breaches the 2019 Not-for-Profit Laws in The Bahamas. I took the time, as I encourage others to do, to read the 2019 NPO legislation, and it clearly states that Junkanoo groups are covered under that law.

I did some further investigation, as I urge other Bahamians and Valley Boys members to do, into the Business Licence Laws. When you apply for a business licence, you must declare whether you are for-profit or not-for-profit. We need the powers that be, including the Minister of Culture, to clarify his statement on the news last night that groups need either a business license or NPO registration. We need answers because there is some conflicting or dare I say, misinformation.

We are tired of this infighting. We call on the Attorney General, the Registrar General’s Office, and the Minister of Sports and Culture to step in today to ensure that no one is above the law. Publicly contravening laws meant to protect the public and the public purse is unacceptable. We need a definitive answer from all parties on who legally owns the name today.

Both Brian Adderley and Trevor Davis claim they own the Valley Boys Junkanoo Group. We need to know, once and for all, who the legal owner of the group is. As a registered entity, the group holds rights and privileges associated with its name, including its exclusive use for organizational purposes. If one of these individuals, or anyone else, is using the Valley Boys name for their business endeavours, misrepresenting our organization, and misleading the public, we need answers.

We urge the Registrar General, Mrs Gomez, and the Attorney General to address this issue in a press conference today. The time for ambiguity and division has ended. We need clarity, resolution, and a return to the values that have made the Valley Boys a pillar of our community.


July 3 2024.