Election Observers to land on March 10th Cabinet sources reveals


The men whom after March 14th will be voted out of POWER!

Elections set for March 14th <<<

Nassau, Bahamas — Sources in the room of the Cabinet of the Bahamas have just been informed of a possible March 14th election date.

Our sources note, at that same time just 4 days earlier, International Observers selected to monitor the upcoming race will land in the country.

Our Cabinet source also confirmed preliminary teams are in the Bahamas right now and are making observer checks prior to their set visit.

BP can report the Observers for the 2012 General Election shall land at LPIA on Saturday March 10th, 2012, and are scheduled to leave the country on Saturday March 18th, 2012 – WE REPORT, YINNER DECIDE!

WE NOW KNOW THE DATE! Bahamians should now not wonder or ponder what they well be getting for Valentines. No wonder Papa been quoting poems: “ROOSESSS ARE WED WILETS are blue, listening up Grand Bahama, Papa ain’t checkin fa you!”

This means Parliament will most likely dissolve on Tuesday 14th February, 2012.



  1. Busta move, we ready now! Ain’t long now before we remove the entire FNM cabinet. Just listening to Hard Copy this evening, while the straw poll was being tallied it shows that the Bahamian people do not want Mr. Ingraham and his corrupt bunch. There will be lots of weeping and a wailing at the ranch on Mackey Street. Now go home and sleep and wake up 10:45pm this time on March 14th, like you said last time in 2007.

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