Elizabeth FNM Association members threaten to resign if Sands is ratified


The country's newest Senator battles FNM Association members in Elizabeth. Duane Sands and the Outgoing Prime Minister, Hubert Ingraham.

Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press is reporting more trouble in the camp of the FNM, and this time it is in Elizabeth.

Members of the Free National Movement Elizabeth Association we are told will resign from the organization if the Party is fixed on running the ‘BAD CANDIDATE‘, Duane Sands in the area.

Sands on the eve of Valentine’s Day was appointed in the Senate. The announcement of the move first came on BP, seven days before the Cabinet announcement. But the news was no love affair in Lizzy.

Moreover, neither the Senate appointment nor the decision for the Party to place Sands in Elizabeth has come with open arms and here’s what we know.

In a constituency meeting held this week, Sands appointment came with disapproval by staunch FNM members who believe the “Good Doctor’s” skills are best suited in the strained hospital.

“Why would we go though this argument again? We all know violence has taken on a new twist in this country and we need all hands – INCLUDING THE STEADY ONES – on deck,” on Association member told BP.

“Sands needs to stay out of Elizabeth. We need him in the hospital! Not on the ground in this community terrorizing us about how “GREEDY” we are.

“Didn’t he promise us longer extended hours at the Elizabeth Clinic during the bye-election? That never happened and we in power! He promised longer libruary hours for the children, and that has not yet happened! We are the government and we are paralyzed to do these things. And now what he promise us for the next election? That We fat and Greedy?”

BP was told the meeting with members of the FNM Elizabeth branch saw bold objections to Sands and went further with threats by members of the association to leave the organization if he remains the standard bearer for the Constituency.

Readers would remember objections first came when Sands was ratified as a candidate in the Elizabeth bye-election of 2010. Members then took their objections to the hierarchy of the Party but was stopped by the ‘One Man, ONE EYE’ Candidate’s Committee, [PAPA].

We will wait and see who has the balls in that branch to come up against PAPA’s nominee. Like Johnlee, Ivoine and Branvilleee we assure you, the ‘wussies’ will fall right in line.



  1. Listen this elitist thing bout Sands he just cant help it. It runs in their family just look at all of his relatives in public life. While Basil and former GG Turnquest were more people friendly than they offsprings they too had/have that problem. But I agree D.Sands should just stick to the health care business!!!

  2. @Watchful Eye

    If you want to fight with someone who defends the PLP 24/7 check out Russell Johnson or Altec. What I am about to criticize you about is done in the interest of reducing the amount of FNM propoganda that now “clouds” the discussion.

    You fail to realize that each person demonstrating was a Bahamian (that is the assumption). They are opposed to this idea to sell BTC shares to C&W and there is a great possibility that the vast majority of them will not support the FNM during the general elections because of anger over this issue (remember the referendum vote in 2001).

    A “tag” has been successfully applied to the FNM party. It describes the other party members as “whimps” and the leader as “a dictator” and I doubt that sufficient time remains before the general elections to change that impression. No serious political observer believs that the FNM is not behind in popularity at this time.

  3. There is nothing wrong wit a demonstration as long if it is peaceful, when dey start to push de police baricad then it is now violent an de police shouda do what dey is have to to make sure dey is becom peacable again I is hear one suprintendan say he nevr se so many criminal in one plc in he life so i wondring what all dem crimnal doing on baystret wit plp shirt on an den so much plp member go out to talk wit dem like dey is one famly my my

  4. I mean for Bahamaspress to even report on a very sensitive issue such as VIOLENCE. They should be ashamed. I mean Im not for the BTC but the way a few people acted wasnt RIGHT and it gives us bad publicity abroad. Put RIGHT WHERE ITS DUE.


    If You DO NOT set an example then you are bond to have the same response!!!!

    • Oh shut up, YINNER PAID IVOINE INGRAHAM AND JOHNLEE TO SHUT THE HELL UP AT THE 2009 BLOODY CONVENTION! And we didn’t report it guess who did, THE DAMN TOILET PAPER DID! GO TALK DAT! Those who speak of paying knows best how to do it.


  5. @Deloris Cambridge

    I am as independent a voter as one can be, but I can apply your “insult” that BP only appeals to the ignorant to the party that you seem to support too – the FNM.

    Why did your party release a statement claiming that the demonstrators were “all paid by the PLP to participate and they are all supporters of the PLP party”? Do you believe the FNM’s statement?

    Clearly, that statement was made to “settle their base” which must mean that such a statemenmt is capable of doing so (in their opinion of you), which obviously means that the base supporters are not intelligent enough to dismiss such as nonsense (in their estimation of your intelligence). Otherwise, another statement designed to achieve the same end would have been made. A statement that MADE SENSE. Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

  6. If DOC lost by only a few votes last time when things was good for FMN you think he’ll be close this time with the PM destroying the party over the BTC DEAL…arrogance is a dangerous thing.

  7. If Dr. Sands, who I highly respect, once again decides to contest Elizabeth, he should know that this time around, the PM will most likely not be running, so he may no longer have the support of a viable PM, nor will be the sole focus of the cash rich FNM, who will have many more fires to put out once the General Elections are called. The doctor will be campaigning solo, and made even more difficult by contesting against a sitting member of the House of Assembly. Is he up to it?

  8. @ THINK unless you are a constituent of elizabeth SHUT YOUR STINK MOUTH! Duane Sands is a sore LOSER and will no doubt lose if he represents elizabeth. I am a FNM supporter and he is arrogant and pompous, if its one seat we lose I pray it is his. He is not a people’s person and cannot relate to the common man. How in the world you expect a man to represent you when he cant relate with you. He is a downright HORRIBLE AND FLIPPING WORTHLESS. Dont come to Elizabeth looking for support DOC. You need to stay your lousy arrogant backside at PMH because NOBODY in Elizabeth interested and you hearing this from a twenty year FNM supporter. All you doing is hurting this good party. CARRY YOUR ***!

  9. i had the privlage of meeting the good doctor last year november,his team of doctors preformed minor heart surgery on my baby girl.that said i don’t live in the elizebeth cont i live in st annes cont but if i did live in lizi i don’t think i would suport the good doc.dont get me wrong he is very good at his craft but i just don’t see him as a people person expecially those of that area let’s be real the doc is of the upper class in our society and to me i don’t think he mix well the same could be said about his brother sandy sands that’s just the type people they are.

  10. @Think
    The FNM is the Govt so he who wears the crown must bear responsibility for anything that goes right or wrong.Am however glad that someone from your side is willing to acknowledge that the Bahamians make up our country and not just smart aleck FNM supporters.Get rid of your elitism and reach out rather than look down.

  11. @ Think….. Thank You! my point exactly. BP appeals to less informed and to continue the game, they fill up the site with half truths, lies, and innuendos. Do better BP!

    • Deloris it is clear you are playing up to the game.



    • Yes Deloris I guess that is why we are the NUMBER ONE WEBSITE when it comes to news in the BAHAMAS! THE WELL INFORMED AND ALL ILLITERATE TUNE IN.


  12. BP,
    YOu do it again. ONLY IGNORANT people will read your articles and take it as TRUTH. All I can do is LAUGH.. Dr. Duane Sands will be the next MP for ELIZABETH-The facts are there he lost by less than 10 votes and you are saying he is a bad candidate-LOL

    BP-Funny page you guys will always appeal to the illiterate and ill-informed as people who are educated and well informed will know who and what is truth.

    • @Think
      I put you in the category of ill-informed since you are literate,but you use an oxymoron since illiterate persons can never get on this site.In every political party there is dissension when it comes to nominations and if all of us think alike then I could not be here now putting you in your place.

    • You don’t have to keep repeating yourself. WE GET THE MESSAGE! Now go get your cheque from Dwight Sawyer.



  13. Some people are better for elected positions and not appointed positions. If a person cannot relate to their potential constituents then they should wait for an appointment.

  14. To me this isnt a big deal because dissatisfaction like this happens in all constituencies, in both parties as the process for nominations can get pretty intense and emotional. Everybody wants their guy/gal to win but only one person can.

    Once these same disgruntled people get over the fact that their candidate loss the nomination, they will fall in line!

  15. does the fnm has any gays in it cause the punch makes it look like only plps are gays and trouble makers

  16. Dr Sands is America’s choice to become prime minister. Ingraham’s choices in his party is being orchestrated and funded by the Lyford Cay/Bay St/Eastern Road/financial services elites. The upcoming elections is all about numbers aka MONEY but if Bahamians can see through the smoke screen, they will realize that this dangerous group of people are continuing the imperialist agenda. Buyers beware!

  17. he might be a good doctor,but he is not a good choice for Elizabeth or any other constituency,his people skills are deplorable,his attitude stinks and there his no way in heaven me or anybodyelse in my household is going to vote for that pompous,proud and uncaring man i had an opportunity to meet him in person and it leaves much to be desired,if he gets in the house of assembly it will be a miracle.

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